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"It was nice of you to invite me here," Brendon smiled as he and the two boys sat down in a booth at the ice cream shop. The place was small, but nice, and the three boys had found the perfect seat by a window.

"It was nice of you to meet us here," Ryan smiled back, trying to contain his inner fanboy.

"Yeah, thanks for meeting us, and letting me come," Spencer grinned, knowing he had completely invited himself.

"I hope this wasn't out of your way, like it didn't mess up your schedule or anything," Ryan said shyly.

"No, actually about now id probably be smoking weed and lying on my couch with no other company than my dogs," he laughed.

"Really?" Spencer asked, not understanding why he would be doing that.

"But- aren't you famous?" Spencer continued.

"Well, most people don't actually want to be friends with me, they just like me for my fame and," he held up his fingers as quotation marks, "fortune. When in reality I'm honestly not rich or anything, and fame kinda sucks," he chuckled. Both the boys looked a bit shocked at the realization that Brendon wasn't always out partying and being famous, but he was a real person much like them.

"I'm sorry Brendon," Ryan sighed, "I hope we can be your friends, if you want," he shrugged.

"That would be really nice Ryan, thanks," he laughed again, this time a bit more nervously, which the boy didn't quite understand.

"Mhm. Well I'm going to go to the rest room so don't do anything too exciting while I'm gone," Spencer announced before standing up and walking around the corner, leaving only two at the small booth by the window in the ice cream shop.

"Spencer seems nice," Brendon observed, attempting to start up a conversation.

"Yeah," Ryan nodded, trying to get all the thoughts of Brendon out of his head, guilt churning inside him due to the words Brendon had spoken before about fame and fans and all that.

"So what kinds of things do you like to do?" He asked Brendon, trying as well to start up the conversation.

"I dunno, I mean you already know a lot about me-"

"Yeah but that's just the you that the media sees, I want to know the real you, whats the real Brendon like?" Ryan smiled, at the man.

"Okay, okay, why don't we go somewhere private another time and actually get to know each other?" Brendon suggested.

"Like where?"

"My house, I'll text you my address, but just you, that way we can get to know each other more," he grinned.

"What about Spencer?"

"Look Ryan, You're the one who said you wanted to get to know the real me, so if we're going to get to know each other it's got to be just you And me," Brendon smiled.

"Sounds sketchy," Ryan raised an eyebrow at the idea.

"Isn't that the fun of it?" Brendon smirked, just as Spencer returned from the bathroom.

"What'd I miss?" He asked, sitting down and looking between the two.

"Not much, just some boring small talk," Ryan filled him in. It wasn't a complete lie, just not telling him the entire truth.

Once the three had finished their ice cream and were paid for, they went their separate ways, Brendon leaving and the two boys walking to Ryan's house.

"Well that was cool, he seems pretty chill," Spencer said, walking in perfect time with Ryan.

"Yeah, I honestly can't believe that we're actually friends wi-"

"Dude i don't know if we're really friends yet," Spencer interjected.

"Okay, well we've known him for a few days and gotten to know him a bit, so if this continues maybe we will become friends with him," Ryan shrugged, he could at least hope.

"Okay but he's still too old for you."

"Shut up."

The boys went back to Ryan's house and hung out some more, not even talking about the fact that they had actually managed to get to know a bit about Brendon Urie- FROM BRENDON URIE! They didn't even bring up the singer until Ryan got a text message.

"Who's that?" Spencer asked as his friend looked at the phone.

"Just some girl from school," he rolled his eyes.

"Gross," Spencer laughed and they continued playing some board game on the floor of Ryan's bedroom.

The text hadn't been from any school-girl that they knew, but Brendon. He had sent Ryan his address as promised, but he didn't want Spencer to know in fear of making his friend upset or jealous. The last thing he wanted was to lose his best friend or get into a fight with him over something as silly as a celebrity. Although Brendon did seem like an amazing person, and defensively would murder him the second he stepped foot into his house, Ryan was still a bit wary about the idea of going over to someone's house who he'd met only a couple days ago. I mean, sure he knew Brendon from the internet and social media stalking he had done when he was a mere fanboy in the world of Brendon. But this was oh so different, this was real, this was the make or break of starting a real friendship with Brendon, and he didn't want to screw that up for anything.

"Your turn," Spencer nodded at Ryan, making him lose his train of thought and forget about Brendon for now. He would go see him when the time was right and Spencer was out doing something else, so he wouldn't even suspect that Ryan was doing what he was. The continued playing the board game, which Ryan obviously won, until it was time for Spencer to leave and return to his own home. They said their goodbyes and Spencer left, leaving Ryan alone to reflect on the entire day, and the near future that could possibly include a certain man named Brendon Urie.


Hmm was that okay?

I really hope you all like this story so far, and I hope it gets better lmao

OML 2017 IS ALMOST OVER (probably will be once I post this oof)

QOTC: What's your favorite TV show right now? What's it about and what would you rate it out of ten?

Lol should I start leaving my own answers to these questions on the chapters?


Ily bbs

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