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"Wh-what's that supposed to mean?" Ryan asked the man sitting in front of him, his heart began to race in his chest.

"I mean, we're going to find you a boyfriend," Brendon grinned, "say goodbye to the single life!"

"Oh, um, okay," Ryan smiled. He was hoping Brendon would have said something else, he was definitely expecting something more on the lines of 'I'll date you' or some cheesy pick up line.

"So, any guys at school interest you?" Brendon asked the boy, his mind running with the various ways he could get a date for his new, young friend.

"Nah, there all weird and annoying," Ryan sighed.

"Well, you must fit in just fine," Brendon chuckled, and when Ryan gave him a look he added on; "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

"You better be," Ryan joked.

"Okay, well what about dating websites? Couldn't you check out one of those?" Brendon questioned.

"Those are sketchy as hell! And what if I end up with some pedophile or a rapist!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Well, I think your judgement is better than that," Brendon winked.

"And where would you get that idea?" Ryan asked, and Brendon just shrugged.

"Okay, well.. can I just admit something?" Ryan muttered, getting a nod from Brendon, "so.. you know how I said I've never really dated a guy?"


"Well I've also never really... kissed- anyone," Ryan confessed, his face flushing once again with embarrassment.

"You haven't?" Brendon asked, looking a bit shocked.

"Nope," Ryan told him.

"So, why does that matter?"

"I don't know if I'd be ready to date someone if I've never even kissed anyone, like it would be weird, and I just think a first kiss is something that you kind of have to have but I haven't so I don't know what to do, ugh.. is it a bad thing that I've never been kissed?" Ryan began to ramble.

"No, no it's not bad, what if you just got the first kiss out of the way?" Brendon asked.

"I mean, that would probably help..." he muttered, "I'm seventeen and I've never kissed any one, that's kind of embarrassing.."

"Not really, I didn't kiss anyone until- oh wait never mind, I had my first kiss at like twelve." The man chuckled. Ryan rolled his eyes, laughing as well.

"So, what do you think I should do?"

"How about get your first kiss?" Brendon shrugged.


"Well, first you lean in close and then-"

"I know how to kiss, I'm not that stupid," Ryan interjected, "I mean who the hell would want to kiss me?"

"I'll kiss you," Brendon offered.

"You.. you will?"

"Yeah, sure- why not?" Brendon shrugged, and Ryan's heart rate sped up until he could practically feel his heart beating in his throat.

"Oh, o-okay," Ryan said, his voice becoming weak. Brendon moved in a big closer, and Ryan felt a shiver run down his spine.

"Okay," Brendon smiled softly at the boy, inching closer to him until they were almost touching- but not quite. The man reached his hand up to touch the boy's face, leaning in close to him.

"I- I don't know if I can do this," Ryan whispered, his eyes glued to the older boy's lips. He felt his skin grow warm with the hand resting on his cheek, and nervousness setting in his blood.

"If you don't want to, we don't have to," Brendon told him, smiling softly.

"Do you want to?" Ryan asked the man, swallowing hard before letting his eyes move up to meet Brendon's.

"Y-yeah," Brendon breathed, his hand moving down to Ryan's neck and resting there.

"O-okay," Ryan whispered. He closed his eyes and Brendon leaned in slightly, his lips hovering mere centimeters from Ryan's.

"Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you," Brendon muttered, scared that the boy would back out and no longer want to kiss him. He wanted to kiss Ryan so badly, but didn't want to make him feel like he had to.

"Y-yeah," Ryan whispered, pressing his lips gently against Brendon's before he changed his mind. He felt the man's lips against his immediately shuddering at the sensation of being so close to another human. He moved his own hands to Brendon's shoulders and held him there, mostly to keep himself there. Brendon kissed back gently, his mouth moving slowly with the other boy's. He ran his hand up Ryan's neck, running his fingers through his hair gently and smiling into the kiss. Brendon then slowly pulled away from the boy, opening his eyes and smiling.

"There, now you've been kissed," he whispered with a smile.

"W-was that okay?" Ryan asked, immediately feeling self conscious about what had just happened.

"Are you sure that was your first kiss?" Brendon laughed, and Ryan did too, leaning back against the couch.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "but you know, I've never had a second kiss," Ryan smirked.

"Oh?" Brendon smiled.

"Mhm," Ryan leaned closer so that his lips were right next to Brendon's ear, "want to help me fix that?"

"Okay," Brendon breathed with a grin on his face. Ryan moved back again so he was facing Brendon, then leaned forward to close the distance between the two of them. His lips connected with Brendon's and he smiled as the older man kissed back. They stayed there for a few moments, kissing each other before pulling apart eventually to breathe.

"W-wow, that- that happened," Ryan stuttered.

"Yeah it did," Brendon whispered softly. Ryan just nodded, a smile on his face. He had just kissed Brendon Urie, twice.


Wowow wowowowo
Okay that was fine, right?

What do y'all think?


(I'm actually writing this on the 30th but who cares #prewrittenchapters)

Okay well...

QOTC: what's your New Years resolution?

Welp let's see what happens on the next episode of I write gay emo drama fan fiction not tragedies

Mk bye kids ily

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