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A slow, painful week went by before Ryan was un-grounded. It was Monday when he could finally see Brendon again, and he didn't waste a minute. The second the bell rang, Ryan was out the door, jogging down the street to Brendon's. He didn't even bother calling Brendon before he arrived, which probably wash the best decision, but he was too excited to even waste a second. He trotted up the driveway and knocked eagerly on the door, grinning widely. He heard some voices inside, and almost regretted coming, he didn't want to interrupt anything.

"Hold on, I think I heard something at the door," Brendon's voice spoke from the other side of the door.

"Okay," another voice called out. It was a mans voice, but not one that Ryan recognized.

Brendon's foot steps approached the door and Ryan took a step back, leaning against the house.

"Hey," Brendon smiled as the door opened and his eyes met Ryan's.

"Hi," Ryan grinned.

"What's up?" Brendon asked, opening the door wider and inviting Ryan in.

"Just thought I'd stop by after school," Ryan shrugged.

"Who's that?" The voice came from the kitchen.

"Ryan, a friend of mine," Brendon responded.

"Ryan, this is Jon," Brendon nodded at the man sitting at the table.

"Hi," Ryan smiled at Jon.

"Have a seat, want something to drink?" Brendon offered as Ryan sat down on the couch across from Jon.

"Uh, okay," Brendon then disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Jon and Ryan to talk. Which consisted mostly of Jon asking questions and Ryan giving uncomfortable answers.

"So, how do you know Bren?" Jon asked the younger boy.

"We met at a movie theatre, and then, I don't know we just became friends," Ryan shrugged.

"How old are you again?"


"You still in high school?" Jon continued interrogating the poor boy.

"Uh.. yeah, Senior year."

"What school?"

"Palo Verde," Ryan answered.

"Oh, cool, Brendon and I went there."

"Cool," Ryan muttered uncomfortably.

"Yeah, uh.. so, are you and Bren, you're friends right?"

"Yeah?" Ryan didn't understand the question.

"Just friends, right?"

"Yeah...." Ryan was feeling uncomfortable again.

"Okay I just- I saw this thing and never mind."

"What?" Ryan looked at him, "what do you mean?"

"It was stupid, some fan probably did it, you know- fans do all kinds of crazy shit," Jon shrugged it off.

"Tell me, please?" Ryan urged, curious about what Jon meant.

"Well, there was this post, it kind of went viral, I'm surprised Brendon didn't see it by now- or you, but it was a picture of you two at a coffee shop and people were commenting, wondering if you guys were dating or something," Jon explained. Ryan looked shocked, had someone seen them at the coffee shop? Taken pictures and posted them? Who would do such a thing?

"Hey, you okay?" Jon asked.

"Yeah, Yeah Im fine," Ryan said, coming back to reality.

"Well if you two were together.. that's first of all illegal, second of all likely to get caught thanks to Brendon's stalker-fan base, and third of all.. I won't be one to tell on you, just a worried friend." Ryan stared at Jon, not sure how to respond, should he keep up the lie? What would Brendon want? Had he already told Jon about them?

"Then I guess it's a good thing we're not," he finally said. Jon nodded as Brendon came back to the room.

"Beer for Jon, soda for Ryan," Brendon raised an eyebrow at the boy, "you will not be drinking on my watch for the next four years." Ryan just rolled his eyes and Jon gave the two an interested look.

"I got drunk at my friends stupid party and Brendon had to come save me," Ryan said, rolling his eyes once again.

"Yep, see, Jon. I am a hero," Brendon said proudly.

"Shut up," Jon and Ryan said in unison, laughing after they did so.

The three continued to talk for a few more hours before Ryan had to get home, but Jon stayed behind for a bit after he'd left.

"He seems like a nice boy," Jon smiled as the door closed behind Ryan.

"He is."

"Does he know? About Sarah?" Jon asked.

"No, but it doesn't matter, he doesn't need to know about her," Brendon shot back defensively.

"He didn't tell me about your relationship, he's good at keeping secrets," Jon said observantly.

"That's good," Brendon said, "but still not any motivation to tell him about Sarah. Besides, we've only known each other for a few months."

"Yeah, but something like Sarah is a pretty big secret to have in a relationship.." Jon raised an eyebrow at Brendon.

"Stop. I'm not telling him, he's just so young and innocent, he doesn't need to know." Brendon said, things were becoming heated between the two.

"He's dating a man practically double his age, that doesn't seem too innocent of a move," Jon argued.

"He's more innocent than he knows," Brendon sighed, "and I'd like to keep it that way rather than ruin our entire relationship and friendship as well as stripping him of his innocence by telling him some stupid secret."

"Some 'stupid secret?' This isn't a 'stupid' secret, it's a serious matter that he'll need to know about at some point, so it's better to tell him sooner rather than later."

"Yeah? Well maybe sooner is gonna have to wait it's turn, can we just forget about it?" Brendon pleaded, he hated talking about Sarah, he hated the fact that they still had to talk about her. But it was a relevant issue, and he would have to bring Ryan into it. Just not yet, he needed to wait until the time was right.

"Promise me you will though, tell him." Jon said, turning back to face Brendon from inside the doorway of the guest bedroom.

"Okay," Brendon responded, which was an answer he would regret.


QOTC: If you could dye your hair any color, what color would you dye it??

Do you guys still like this fic??

I hope so bc I actually have a plan for it omg it might go on longer than I thought I'm excited eekkk


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