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Camilla's POV

"I don't know why Black though that it would be a good idea to even come here after everything he's done to me, yeah I know that I embarrassed him in front of all of those people

but he embarrassed me in front of all my friends, family, and close companions by doing that shit. and what I am not about to do is get

back together with him just for him to cheat on me again or for me to never be able to trust him, and you most defiantly need to have trust in a relationship, you know what I mean


"yeah I get what your trying to say, you just don't want to be like every other bitch out here that takes back a niggas after he did

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"yeah I get what your trying to say, you just don't want to be like every other bitch out here that takes back a niggas after he did

you wrong and made you look stupid" "yes that is exactly what I am trying to say finally some nigga finally gets it" I say while laughing and smiling "y'all sometime I wish I just

would have met Michael before I met Black because it seems like I've got a lot more in common with Michael than I do

Black and I've only know Michael for like six months but anyways let me get back to talking to Michael" "yeah Camilla I get it but I kind of got to go and Pick Raine up

from daycare" "oh yeah, yeah go don't make me the reason your late to picking up your daughter, and tell her I said hi" then Michael

said "yeah most definitely Camilla, and remember if you need me I'm just one call away" he sang the last part while dancing and laughing and I laughed along with him " okay

Mikey thanks" "what did I tell you about that stupid ass name" he said while picking up his car keys and walking to the door while I walked

behind him " I like it and that's all that matters" "yeah okay you annoying midget but I'll see you later Camilla" "okay" then he gave me a hug and a kiss on my check and I watched

him walk to his car and back out of the drive away while the gates

him walk to his car and back out of the drive away while the gates

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 to my house opened and he drove away until all I could see was a little

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to my house opened and he drove away until all I could see was a little

dot of what used to be his car then I walked back into my house and got ready to go take a nap when I my phone stared ringing so I walked up stairs to my bedroom and pick up

the phone and turned it over to see who was calling me and it was...


I'm back and I'm going to try and update every Sunday from now on depending on how much work I have and what's going on in my life but only if y'all want me to and if you do write it down in the comments and if you don't still write it in the comments and don't forget to vote!


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