When We Were Younger

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Okay before I start I have to tell y'all something cuz I feel like y'all think I'm a hoe for just getting with Black like that but I'm really not, the truth is me and him use to really fuck with each other when we were younger, we would hang out every week, but that all changed when one of my old friends asked him out and he said yes, I was mad so I stopped talking to him but theres more to it

but I don't have time to talk all that, but anyways two weeks after they started dating they broke up when we graduated from high school and I never talked to him again but then when school started we just happened to go to the same college but I still didn't talk to him I just heard

people talk about him around school but we finally started talking again yesterday but anyways let me get back to talking to my best friend. "Yara we didn't do anything, well at least I didn't do anything" "well what did he do" "well he kind of fingered me but then he stopped because he didn't think of me as a hoe." "So you're telling me that while I was looking for you after I heard

you got in a fight you were getting yo soul taken" "yeah pretty much" "I should slap you or hug you" "if you slap me I'm not talking to you for a week" "okay a hug it is" then me and my best friend hugged then I said "I never thought I would be the one talkin about doin something with

a boy especially not Black" "me neither" "but let me ask you somethin" "okay whats up" " why were you lookin at Black like he just killed yo dog" "because I wanted him to know not to mess with me or make my best friend mad so I had to let him know whats up" then I started giggling when I said "thanks best friend I love you so much" she said "I love you too" then we both went

to bed and all night, I was just texting Black.

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