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Camilla's POV

As soon as I got to work and started walking past my other employees towards my desk I got look from almost everyone while I walked past so before I got into my office I told my assistant

to come with me into it and as soon as we got in I told her to lock the door and I said "why does everyone keep giving me dirty look" "it's

because" then she paused and pointed to the vases of flowers on my desk along with the boxes of chocolates and jewelry "of all of that they think that Mr.Siriboe have them to you

and that's why he's not here because he doesn't want it to be suspicious" then I walked over to my desk and took a note that was not the

flowers and it said 'I know I messed up but hopefully this will make up for some of it  -love Black" as soon as I realized that Black was the one that sent it to me I told my assistant "take

all of this and throw it in the trash or burn it or eat it I don't care just get it out of my sight" then I walked to my door unlocked it opened it

and walked to an empty desk and yelled to everyone on that floor "excuse me but whatever  problem anyone of you have with me you me you can address it with me personally

instead of giving me looks every time I pass by this is a work place so act like you can be professionals for one second" once I was

finished with my little "speech" I got off the desk and walked to my office and stared on my work for the day.

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