Touch On Me

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Shit started ta get heated quick cuz next thing I know he has his hand in my underwear while I'm moaning my life away, but let me tell y'all I never noticed how long his fingers were until now, but yall I may have kind of forgot to tell him one teny tiny thing and it may be the I'm still a virgin but that's not that big of a deal, right? But to say that I'm sacred is an understatement

because I am fucking terrified like I've seen his dick is sweatpants and that thing looks huge do I look like I want to not have walls after, this cuz I do. But yall what happen next will forever haunt me for the rest of my life because out of no were I blurted out "I'M A VIRGIN" like what the

hell is wrong with me, let me tell yall right then and there I just wanted to crawl into a whole and die, but anyways after I said that he look at me for what felt like forever but was really like 10 second then he was like "I can fix that" but let me tell yall the way he said made me 50 time wetter, then he started kissin on me next thing I know his phone started ringing and to say I was

disappointed was an understatement but its whatever, then he answered his phone and was like "whats good man" "I'm kind of-" "I get its important but I'm-" "nigga if you don't let me finish my damn sentence dang, I was goin say I'm busy right now you deal with it" yall let me tell

yall I felt really bad because I'm not finda take up all his time so I was "Black I got to go anyways go hang with you friend go handle your shit" and he was "na they'll be okay" and was like "boy you'll see me when you see me go be with you friends" and he was like "you sure" and I nodded my head then I got up and put all my cothes back on and and waited for him to get off the phone

then when he was done he got up put his clothes back on grabbed his car keys and drove me home with my help of me of course and right when I was finda get out the car he put his hand on my thigh and was like "I'm sorry" and I was like "its all good Black don't sweat it" then he pulled

me closer to him and kissed me and we were in his car makin out until someone knocked on his car window and I turned around to see who it was and it was my best friend Yara and I was "um Black I got to go I'll text you later" and he was like "ight by baby girl" and I got out the car and he was like "hey I'm Black" to my best friend and she was like "I know who you are" and I was

was like " okay well Black this is my best friend Yara" but they both aint say nothing so I was like "I'll talk to you later Black" and he was like "ight bye" and as soon as he left she was like "spill it".

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