New Book (Plz read)

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Guys I know that I havnet been updating the book that much but I just wanted to know if yall would like this new book that im working on and if I should make it into a book. If you like it just comment if you dont still comment and dont forget to vote please. and this is a preview of the book.

You know how sometime you feel that your to emotionally unstable to live in this world well that how I feel everyday. Sometimes I jut want to say fuck it and end it all but you wanna know why I don't it's because I'm not just thinking about myself I'm thinking about all the people that will have to go through so much if I leave, because if I leave who's going to take care of my 7 year old sister and my hospitalized mom because I doubt that a seven year old and a sick person can take care of their selves. You know usually when most people start these story's they usually end with a happy ending well I'm not most people. My name is Kehlani Smith and this is my story.

Well let's start off with how I start my day. First you know I do all the necessary morning things like you know brush my teeth, shower and all the other good stuff. and then i head off to school you know that prison i go too everyday for 7 hours of my life yeah that place but anyways before i start my story kids today let me teach you a great life lesson, don't put your trusts into anyone you wanna know why because everyone is a liar, that person could be that only person you could would trust with your life well guess what, your a dumb ass and your going to die. If someone one asked you who you would take a bullet for the person you chose is mostly likely the person that's behind the gun you wanna know why its because everyone is and evil, manipulative, stupid, untrustworthy, liar and they were all made just to make you life miserable. and you might be thinking well my life is actually going pretty good, how would you feel if your bestfriend slept with you boyfriend of three year and got pregnant and decided to keep the baby, and you man leaves you to start a family with too bestfriend well now ex-bestfriend, but you know these are all just what ifs they could never possibly happen to you because you know your life is just to great and amazing and wonderful for anything to happen to you.

But anyways yall need to get to know me so my name is Kehlani Smith umm I'm a tenth grader at George P. Johnson High School, I have no boyfriend, I'm bisexual, I'm 5'4, live in Atlanta with my little sister and my mom, and i have a bestfriend named Zola.

Okay now we can start my story, well the day Friday May 18, 2018 was just like all the other days of my life sad, stupid, and annoying. but today this ugly, hot breathed, fakes hair wearing, cricked teeth, loud mouth, dumb, annoying bitch I call my  mother just had to say something to me, you know usually when she annoys me i just go complain to my best friend cry a little out of anger and sadness than i go on with my life. but today i just couldn't you wanna know why because, this hot breath, ugly, stupid, egotistic, bitch i call my step brother joined with her and made me look stupid, yet I'm the one that does almost everything in the house and i take care of HER child, and i mange to still get A's and B's and school i might slip up here and there but I'm still doing better than her. you know when I said that my mom was hospitalized well what i meant was that if she keeps testing my patience she's going to end up being hospitalized. because you know a person can only be nice for so long until one day they just back hand slap the shit out of you and that fat buffalo you call your husband, and that musty thing you call a son , and that ugly big nosed bitch you call a stepson.

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