What Just Happened?

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Camilla's POV

"I say yes, but you only get one chance mess up and it's over and we're going to start off as friends but we both don't do anything else with anybody, think you can handle that big guy"

when I said that last part he started laughing and said "yeah I can handle that ma" "what did I tell you about calling me ma my name isn't

ma it's Camilla" "okay Ca-mi-lla" "your so annoying" just as I said that my stomach started to grumble and I said "all this talking really made me hungry so if you don't mind I'd

like to eat something" when I said that I pushed him out the way and started walking to are table and he said "I don't mind but I do

mind you pushing me" "aww I'm sorry did I hurt the widdle baby" and I started pinching his cheeks and he pushed my hand away and he said "I ain't no baby" "aww is the widdle

baby mad I sorry" and then he rolled his eyes and was about to say something until are waiter came over and said "good evening my

name is Troy and I'll be your waiter today" then he turned to me and said "what would you like to eat today beautiful" when he said that I just gave him a small smile and said can I get

a-" but I got cut off by Black and he said "I know good and well your ugly chimpanzee looking ass isn't staring at my girlfriend's

chest" and the waiter, thinking that he was big and bad decided to say some slick shit back "and what if I was not like your ugly long bearded ass goin do somethin" and next thing I

know Black punched the waiter in the nose and I heard a crack and the waiter Toy I think is his name start screaming and Black got on top of

him and started punching the shit out of him and then he stopped grabbed him by the hair and said "apologize to me and my girl" and he said "I-I'm sorry I'm sorry" then Black punch

him one last time and knocked him out and you know I'm just sitting there shook and I turn and all these white people just standing

there lookin at use and Black said "if any one of you mother fuckers snitch, I will find and I will personally kill each and everyone of  you" and they all shook their heads and then Black

grabbed my hand and walked me to the car and was like "umm so you wanna go back to my place I got food" like what the fuck did he not

just beat the shit out of and IHOP's waiter like 1.2 minutes ago like what the fudge.

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