Curse of Strahd: Session 6: One Crazy Night

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         As Strahd leaves for the night. The old lady of the windmill lets us stay the night. Ismarc stayed up as we each take turns. Takeshi has grown more vengeful since the death of Tancrid. Batter and beaten. The old lady tells us to stay on the ground floor as she doesn't want us to disturb her sisters. 

If you ever see me using dmg, it stands for damage. Trying to keep it close to what you would see in game.

     As we returned this week. Praug was informed about the last session. He laughed. Tancrid is now Benatoli, a Paladin. Since if you die in Dungeons and Dragons. You can always reroll a new PC.

     Praug heads back from Barovia towards our way. He meets the hunters. He is then being followed by a paladin, Benatoli. They shared a camp for the night This would be during our battle. Benatoli's horse gets attacked as Werewolves are attacking the camp. Praug cast moonbeam which was a cylinder of light that causes a DC Con save. Nevertheless, the Werewolves failed. The Werewolves were Shapechanger that reverts back to a human form and can't change back. They fear Praug now. They ran as the running Praug moonbeams the attackers that fled. Three beasts retaliated after Praug. Benatoli runs up on a horse uses command which has a DC Wisdom save. However, if failed the creatures must obey, take a wild guess. Yes, it fails. Praug moonbeams two more beasts reverting them back. The other is running from the command spell. 

     Benatoli cast aid on Praug and his horse. The next morning they travel on Benatoli horse. Praug figures his friends are at the windmill. Benatoli knows the rumor of the windmill that old ladies. Making dream pasties.

     Takeski buys 5gp worth of pasties for Chris. Remember we don't know the rumors yet. Hint, hint. 1/5. Chris passes out. As he goes to dreamland. Takeshi buries Tangrid in the back of the windmill. Which by the way, I'm guessing the old lady did not mind, but I digress. Chris resists the dreamland urge when he awakes. Every six hours he must do a DC Con save now to resist eating the pasties. Takeshi and Bina hear the laughter upstairs and bit of crying. The old lady says to Bina to ignore her sisters. Bina believes it as she fails her insight check. Chris's player wants to give the pasties back but fails a DC con saves. Meaning he can't resist giving them away. I laugh in my head. Takeshi walks into the windmill finds Chris being himself; he guesses since Chris was always crazy, nothing strange going on. Takeshi believes the old lady's lie as well. Takeshi medicates as the group rests. Benoatoli and Praug make their way to the windmill. By the way, Chris scared the raven on the mill away. If you know the raven in the lore, this was probably an omen. But Chris heard a raven and shot at it.

      Benoatoli heard of a rumor "to take a child for a deep sleep...". Ben sees a body has been dragged into the mill. Praug see it after Ben points it out. Ben is worried but Praug investigates. Chris is peeing out back. Ben and Praug are informed by Taskski and Bina about what had happened also filling them in on the rumor. Chris comes back. The old lady returns. She talks to Ismarc and Ireena then talks to Ben. Ben cast zone of truth. Takeshi, Bina, Chris pass. Praug fails including the Hag. Ben investigates. Praug asks Ireena about the spell

      "Are you a man!"

     Ireena "Why are you asking me, I'm not under the spell."

     Ben investigate as he asks a lie. Old lady spots the lie. Praug gets the deed off Takeski. Among many things Tancrid had his body, They had found a deed to the Murder house and the windmill. Takeshi hands over Tancrid's stuff to Praug.

      Praug asks for rent money from the old lady and asks for profits from sells of the pasties.

     Our DM rolls for the profit. He gets a 1 on a D4. Praug doesn't want the gold but the children the old lady has taken away.

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