First Day On The Job

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Arlic thought about it before answering. "Well, to be honest, the environment was a lot harsher than this planet." Arlic then had a surprised look on his face. "I just now realize, the gravity on this planet is a lot lighter."

"How so?" Mira asked.

"From what I can tell, the gravity on Planet Vegeta is ten times stronger than the gravity on this planet." Arlic answered. "The sky is constantly red and we have no moon."

Cana winced when she heard that. "Yikes. No offense Arlic, but your planet doesn't sound like a place I'd want to go on vacation."

"Trust me, there's no offense taken." Arlic said. "The gravity helps us with our strength. That's why we are very durable and strong, but the gravity here is so light I feel almost weightless." Arlic's eyes then widened slightly. "Actually Mira, do you have a calendar that can tell me when the next full moon is?"

Mira raised an eyebrow at the strange request, but complied either way. She went into the back and about a few seconds later came back with a calendar. Arlic looked it over then gave it back to her.

"Thanks Mira. Think maybe you can mark all the days that a full moon appears and let me know?" Arlic asked.

Mira felt that was a strange request, but nodded all the same. "Sure Arlic, I'll do just that."

"Why do you want to know that?" Cana asked, finding the request very strange.

"Saiyans go through a very dangerous change on the night of a full moon." Arlic answered. "On the night of a full moon, when our eyes meet it, we transform into giant apes that only have the desire to destroy everything in their path."

Mira and Cana were surprised when they heard that. If what he said was true, then they definitely need to keep an eye out at night just in case.

"Is that why..."

"That's why there is no moon on Planet Vegeta." Arlic answered Cana. "Can't have an entire planet full of great apes causing destruction all over your home.

"Well, you don't have to worry." Mira said with a smile. "I'll let you know which days are not safe to go out at night."

"Kinda limits your date life, huh?" Cana joked as she was about to take a sip out of her mug.

Arlic just raised an eyebrow at that. "What's a date?"

Cana paused from her drinking and Mira stopped cleaning when they heard that. Both of them looked at him with widened eyes, not believing what he was saying. Sure they knew he was from another planet, but he seriously didn't know what a date was.

Before they can seriously ask him if he truly didn't know what a date was, Natsu, Happy, and Lucy came up to the, and stood next to Arlic. Natsu and Happy had their usual smiles, but Lucy seemed to be harshly glaring at the pink-haired wizard and cat duo.

"Hey Arlic, I've been looking all over for you." Natsu said.

"Oh that's right, I forgot to mention that Mira and master Makarov lent me a place to stay at the cellar until I find my own place."

"Well me, Happy, and Lucy are about to go on a job request. You wanna come along?" Natsu said excitedly.

Arlic raised an eyebrow at the question. "What's a job request?"

Mira smiled as she answered. "Job requests are jobs that wizards from a guild are hired to do. Depending on how difficult the job is, determines how much money you can earn if you complete it."

"Really?" Arlic said in interest. "So the more jobs I go on the more money I get?"

"That's correct." Mira said.

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