'Thank You's To Everyone!

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Hello, my wonderful readers! It is I, your dorky author! This is just some little things I wanted to say but I didn't want an even longer authors note then I did in the Epilogue. So, here we are!

First of all, I'd like to thank each and every one you. You people have been amazing. Not just on this platform, but the other places that I've posted this story as well. I'm honoured for you to be the one to read this book. Also, thank you everyone for over 200 reads!! That's awesome!! It's hard to wrap my mind around the thought that over 200 people took the time to read one of these chapters. I'm so grateful to everyone here, even though it's not as much as some other books I've read!

Second of all, I'm pretty sure I'm going to make those one-shots I talked about in the A/N last chapter. I have school and stuff, so they might not be out for a while, but I do have many ideas that I can do! I can't wait! (Psst! Can you guess some of the ideas I have?)

     There isn't a lot of stuff that I wanted to talk about because I already said it in the last chapter. I think that's all. If I remember anything that I wanted to ask/tell you, I'll just update this and inform you about it! Simple, right?

     Anyways, I hope you have a spectacular day/night!


— GlassesGirl

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