Gummies, Questions and Embarrasing Situations. What A /Great/ Combination!

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     The first livestream we did as the so called Voltron: Legendary Defenders and Others was quite legendary. Sorry, um, it actually wasn't anything special. We did the basics. You know, played a couple rounds of Truth or Dare, answered some questions people asked. Normal stuff that could and will embarrass us. It was pretty memorable. Well, not the stream itself. More of the content in the live-video and the events before and after.

    It was actually about a month after that faithful first sleepover as Voltron. The hot summer months when everyone was meeting each other were long past gone and October was rolling in. Let me set the scene.

     I set up my sticker-covered Black laptop in the living room on my coffee table to make it show the largest space I could get the camera of the device to cover. The laptop was facing the soon-to-be squished couch, hopefully showing the whole thing. How did I do that? It's simple really. I stacked a bunch of books from my bookshelf in my room, a basket and other miscellaneous items I could find. I then set my laptop on the make-shift stand and prayed to all the different deities out there that it wouldn't fall. Perfectly safe, right?

     After checking a few times to make sure everything I wanted in the frame was shown, I opened the tab to the live-streaming site I use and closed the transportable computer. Sighing heavily, I sat down on my maroon couch. My black, smudge-less, glasses shifted uncomfortably on my head, but I didn't bother changing their position. I didn't really care about it that much. In truth, I cared more about what I was wearing at the moment then the pain from my stupid glasses.

     Just as I finished, there was a buzz near the front door coming from the little box that told me someone wanted to come in from outside the lobby. I got up out of my lazy position, groaning tiredly, and walked over to the front door. I could either buzz the person who wants in, in, or, I could decline their offer. It's a very detailed and excruciatingly hard process.

     I pressed the button. Static ensued until a familiar voice filtered through speakers. "Hey, Keith!" Lance's cheery voice said over the microphone thing. "I just, y'know, don't want to be out here in this chilly weather, so could you let me in? Plus, I want-"

     "I-I'm sorry. You're cutting out. I can't hear you," I interrupted him. I playful smirk made is way onto my face.

     There was a little pause of static before Lance's exasperated voice came through the speakers. "Oh, c'mon! I thought we bonded!"

     I chuckled at his response and hit the button to let him in. I walked back to my living room. A few moments later there was a knock at my door.

     "Come in!" I yelled at the person behind the door.

     "Hey~" I heard from the entrance of my apartment, along with a scraping of shoes and the creak and click of the door closing.

     I looked behind me to see Lance walk into my apartment with a black fabric bag in his hand. The dark-skinned male hesitated slightly when he looked up from taking off his shoes and his signature green sweater. His hands hovered over the hook for a millisecond longer then needed. A light pink covered his cheeks and he muttered something under his breath that suspiciously sounded like glasses. The moment of hesitation was gone as fast as it came and he soon was walking towards me with the same bag as before. It must've just been my imagination.

     "Hey," I said with a small smile from where I was on my couch. "What's the bag for?" I asked as the YouTuber plopped down beside me.

     "Well," he started, glancing down at the black bag and back to me, a grin forming on his his face, "because it's obvious that Hunk will bring cookies and other tasty stuff, I've decided to bring my own fair share of junk."

Tightrope: A Klance YouTuber AU Where stories live. Discover now