Lance Is Hot (Not In That Way) and Pidge Goes Wild

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  I ran around my apartment, scrambling to try and make the small living space at least presentable. Usually, I am a very neat person. If I place everything where it's designated spot is, then everything will be neat and I would be able to find it easily! Sadly, over the last few days I've been pretty busy. With what? The day after I got the email from Lance I was with my mom the majority of the day and well into the night with the mother-son birthday celebration. The day after that I went to visit Shiro because he needed some help with all of his coaching because he's a personal trainer. After that we decided to hang out because we haven't done that in a while and that took up the day. The days after that I had to record videos and edit them merciless. So let's just say my apartment is a little bit messy.

  Neatly folding and placing a blanket on the armrest of the couch in the living room, I plopped down tiredly on the chair as I sighed heavily. A few minutes of down time before he arrives, I thought gleefully. I still had my rectangular, black rimmed glasses on. I forgot to put my contacts in this morning, labeling them as too much of a hassle to deal with, and just stuck with my normal eye wear. That was then, though. I probably shouldn't wear these during the video.

Just as I got up to do so, I heard the annoying buzz from just outside the apartment building of someone wanting to get in.

  Groaning, I walked across the room towards the entrance of my living space. I pressed the button beside the speaker and it buzzed again as a static-y voice came through the receiver.

  "Hey! It's Lance. I was wondering if you could let me in? It's boiling out here."

   Chuckling, I let the YouTuber in and soon enough there was a knock at my door. I opened it and saw the face of the Cuban. I let him in and got out of his way to let Lance into the apartment.

  He was wearing a blue-sleeved baseball shirt and jeans. If he was a close friend of mine, I would've probably commented on his wonderfully chosen Summer clothes, but because we barely knew each other, I decided to let it slide. Plus, it's not my place to judge. I wear black and red on a regular basis, no matter what the weather appears to be like outside.

  And... cue the awkward silence. I'm socially stunted according to Pidge and you should take her word for it. I guess it's a mother-son thing because Mum's not that good in social situations either. She's better then me from years of experience with different generals and bosses she had to listen to, though. I guess I just got the brunt of it.

To back up Pidge's accusation from earlier, pretty much half the time when I'm talking to someone who is a stranger or a person I don't know that well, I'm debating in my head whether or not it would be socially acceptable to say something sarcastic about the situation or about the few recent politic facts I've recently seen circulating some different social medias I'm on. The other half of the time I'm trying to listen to the person talking to me. This usually leads to an abomination of jumbled up and stuttered over words.

  Now that I'm thinking about it, that's probably why Pidge and I get along so well. Even though she's better at being social then me, she still would rather be huddled up in her room doing whatever she does on her computer. Please don't tell her this, but, god, do I want to have at least her level of social awareness right about now.

  I coughed awkwardly into my fist. "Well, um... you can take off your shoes at the door. Uh, follow me."

  I turned around and started to walk through the living room and to the kitchen. I heard the scuffing of shoes being taken off and the padding of socked feet along the floor behind me. Once we got to the kitchen, I nodded my head towards the island with four neatly pushed in chairs surrounding the other side. He sat down in the centre chair.

Tightrope: A Klance YouTuber AU Where stories live. Discover now