Epilouge: 10 Years Later...

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IMPORTANT: Please read the A/N at the bottom of the page once you're done reading. There are some important things that I say that you might be interested in.

Doesn't everyone love reunions?

The answer is: no, not everyone loves reunions. There is always that one family or friend group that continues to meet, though there's that one person who doesn't want to be there, which is perfectly fine no matter who you are in that situation. You can't sacrifice your happiness for just one person.

As a kid, I was that one person. Why? Because I never had reunions. Now, let me explain myself, okay? Firstly, there was no point in them. I didn't have any friends at the time, which quickly changed when I went to college, and the only family I had was my mom and my dad, so, really, there was no one to unite with in the first place. What's the point in a family/friend reunion with no one to visit? It's a joke!

Now, though, after years have past and I actually have friends to reunite with, a loving family of my own and my mom to visit, it's different. It's, I don't know, exciting and heart-wrenching at the same time. In a good way, of course. It's amazing seeing people you're close with after a long time apart.

Why am I bringing this up? Well, as of now, I was getting ready for our third annual Christmas family reunion. It's pretty frustrating really. Well, the getting ready part, not the actual reunion. Getting the kids (and Lance. Still, after all this time in a winter wonderland, he's still a Cuban at heart and is never prepared for the winter) all ready in their marshmallow-like snow gear; hats, gloves, jackets and sweaters, snow pants, etc., packing up all the presents, attempting to bake the day before but failing miserably. Only until everyone is in the car with everything packed up and everyone pee-free is when everything truly starts to calm down.

"Daddy!" I heard my six-year-old son, Liam, whine from the end of the hallway, dragging me from my thoughts. "Carlos won't give me back my red lion! I even told him nicely!" he said, stomping into Lance and I's bedroom.

I looked over in his direction. The pale-skinned boy's hair was a tousled mess and I knew for a fact it wasn't like that a few minutes ago when Lance combed it. His jeans and dark blue polo shirt looked like they were put on hurriedly. Probably were, I thought.

"Could you go ask Papa instead, Lili?" I asked.

"B-but," he stuttered. Liam's eyes started to glisten in un-shed tears and his lower lip started to tremble.

I glanced at the golden band around my ring finger. My eyes trailed back to my son still standing in the doorway. The way his bottom lip trembled, dipping into a frown, red-eyed and teary, reminded me of Lance the day we decided to officially quit YouTube. The online platform was already steadily decreasing in popularity, so we decided it was for the best and it was. We wouldn't have been able to raise our children and have the relationship we wanted to if we didn't. It was a sad day all around.

This always surprised me. One, that I'm able to picture days years ago in such vivid detail. Two, that even though Liam isn't biologically related to either of us, he can still pick up on our different habits, hence why him and his Papa cry similarly. Now that I think about it, all three of our children — Liam, Carlos who is eight and our youngest child, Charlie, who is two — are like that. They developed some of our ticks and habits from us from being around them so often.

"Okay," I said to my son and crouched down to his level. I wiped the tear that escaped from his eye. "I'll go talk to him."

Once we were all packed up and ready to go, we started our half an hour drive to the Adam-Takashi household where the reunion was being held. If the the name Adam-Takashi confuses you instead of it being Altea-Shirogane or at least Allura-Takashi, here's the explanation: once Shiro and Allura finally admitted their feelings for each other, they got together. After a few months of dating, Allura realised that Shiro was acting differently towards her. More like a friend then a lover. They decided to break it off after Shiro told Allura that he figured out he was gay and that the feelings he held towards her got jumbled up and was actually just great admiration, confusing him. Allura was, of course, hurt, but they continued being friends. Shiro ended up meeting a guy named Adam who was really sweet and they became friends. A few weeks after this development, BOOM! a new relationship blossomed. Allura also found another guy, who ended up being a complete jerk, got her pregnant, then left. Lotor was an absolute jerk (I would use stronger language, but my children are around), and no one liked him after that, even though some people didn't even like him in the first place. We all helped her recover from her heart break and helped her raise her child after that, Pidge and Emily being the most helpful.

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