Bob loses his mind

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He was in love. He had to talk to the beautiful banana. "Hey my little chubby bumpkin!" He said. He thought he had the skills for picking up girls. She stares at him like he was crazy. "OMG you're so wierd get away from me." She said as she walked away. "Wait come back my plump potato! I'm a lonely creep with no friends and I need validation!" He thought he sounded charming but at this the girl sprinted for her life. Bob was angry. How dare she not like him. "Come back here you piece of garbage!" He yelled. But she was already in her car dialing 911. Bob went home feeling fat and angry. He injected some more orange juice into his brain. "Aaaaahh." He said. It made him feel powerful. He calls for his loyal adviser. "Call for my guards." His adviser stared at him. "Why may I ask you your bananajestyiest?" Bob grinned. "To kidnap that girl I saw at the horse dropping store. I will make her regret leaving me! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"
His cackles echoed through the neighborhood causing windows to smash. His adviser nodded and quickly called for Bob's guards. The poor girls life was in danger.

Bob sat on his sofa all day eating potato chips and slirping orange juice. This was his typical morning routine. Make that his typical DAILY routine. As he sat there on his sofa the news popped onto the TV. The news reporter said...

Hello everyone today we have breaking news! The famous pop star, Julie McMuffin addmits to have been harassed at the horse dropping store by a what she calls, crazy fat banana. The police are on the look out for this mysterious stranger but have had zero success finding him.....

He switched off the news a and growled. How dare she...
"RAAAAAAOOOOOORRTTTAGAHAHHA!!!!" He screamed. He was going crazy he needed his orange juice before he would explode. He runs to the kitchen to find his more juice. Bob screams again. "HELP! HELP! I NEED MY JUICE!" He screams. No one answers. What was he going to do? He quickly grabbed his car keys and was off to the grocery store.

At the store he was half insane. His left eye twitched as he craved for his addiction. He saw a little baby banana in a shopping cart and threw it into the icecream freezer. He watched as it cried helplessly freezing cold. "MUAHAHAHAHA!!!" He cackled. The mom heard his cackling as saw him with the baby in the freezer. "LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!" she yelled pushing Bob out of the way as she ran to save her baby. Bob ran away swinging his arms in circles like a crazy person cackling through the store. He soon found the juice section and took the stores whole supply of juice. Bob only liked one brand of juice. Smooshy Wooshy Juice. There were at least 50 on the shelf and Bob took them all. He still wasn't satisfied. He wanted more. He was going to raid the stores storage supply for ALL the Smooshy Wooshy Juice in the store. He sprinted into the storage room with his mighty shopping cart knocking over all the people in the way. No one was going to stop him from getting his juice. He finds the storage room as the workers try to keep him from entering he smashes them all away by aggressive swinging his shopping cart. They flung into the boxes while Bob helped himself to all the Smooshy Wooshy Juice. Now he had at least 100 cartons of orange juice. He cackles once more his eyes twitching intencely. But Bob didn't know that the workers had called the police on him and were on their way to arrest him. He stomps up to the cashier and dumps all his juice on the counter. He drools violently as the cashier worker stares at him like he had at least 7000 heads. "Um... Sir, I'm afraid I can't give you orange juice it's deadly for bananas." Said the worker. Bob's eye twitched. "WHA...WHA....WHA...WHAT DID YOU SAY???" he said as his veins popped up onto his face. The worker glaced back at him in terror. "I'm not aloud to sir sorry!" Bob was already sharpening his fangs by the time he was done talking. As the worker tried to run, but jumped onto him head first swallowing him whole. Right before he could digest his meal the police dashed into the store. "STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!" said the officers as they punched him in the stomach causing him to barf out the worker who was traumatised with fear. The police hand cuffed him as he tried to run away. Bob had been captured... What was he to do...

Hope you guys liked chapter two! How will Bob escape prison? I love writing banana stories and plan to have chapter three out by tomorrow. Have a nice day and enjoy!
Ps. I'm on a banana free diet. 🍌

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