"right is for me. " nayun said.

"right!" aerum shouted and pointed the right.

"right is always right so I'll go with right." i muttered.

"every right has a exception. the right road must be wrong. "
yoongs said.

"yeah, not all right is right. " jin said.

"how about we'll split? and in that way we'll be able to know what's the right path. " doyeon suggested and some disagreed and agreed.

"that would be great! " miyeon exclaimed.

chaeyoung looked at her and frowned. " we've talked last night, that we won't split up so that we'll stay together. either we'll find it or stay lost here at least we're together. "

"she's right. no matter what situation we are, wherever we are as long as were together we will survive. " mina said.

"so which road?" jimin asked, taking a glance to the right and left road.

"right?" kook said, raising his hand.

i slowly pulled down his arm and spoke. " i'll go with left because i believe not all right is right."

" left it is! " namjoon said and we all walked behind him to the road on the left.

i looked at the road ahead of us and saw that it wasn't fully clear and is full of tall weeds.

i touch the small bites of insects
on my legs and sighed. more weeds, more bites, more scars. i don't know how my legs will look when i wear shorts in the city.

kook set the tall weeds aside with a long twig and pulled out some of them that's on my way. he ducked down and i stopped on my tracks.

he suddenly pulled my shorts down my mid thigh and i flinched.

" why is your covering so short? look at mine it ends on my knee so only calves are exposed. " he grumbled while i was still was in shock on why he just pulled and touched my skin like that.

if this was on the city, i'd probably file him a case of sexual harassment. but what can i do? he's innocent and so are the others.

innocent, he's dangerously innocent and i hate it why he's like that.

i hate it why they're all like this when they are so sexy and masculine as fuck!

" eunmi? why are you not moving? are you paralyzed?" i heard him asking with voice full of worry.

i shook my head and scurried to the others, leaving him frowning there.

" what did i do?" damn that innocent question again.


" turn left, tug onto a tree."

" turn right and walk slowly. "

" careful with the moss cause they're slippery. "

those were the words chanted by my mouth as we continue our walk through the curvy, bushy and slippery road that leads to something we do not know. i don't even think this is a road anymore because the weeds were so high already.

earlier we passed by small weeds but it came to us that we went passed through this place that has a lot of unnecessary plants, itching our skins.

i was in the middle when aerum who's walking ahead abruptly stopped. everyone went dead on their tracks and looked ahead.

From the JungleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ