Chapter Seven: Nighttime

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Hinata POV
The warm water feels nice on my still sweaty skin. My muscles already ache from all the running and jumping. Hopefully it will be better after a good night of sleep. I step out of the shower and dry of. I run my hair dry and dress in my pyjamas.
I walk back to my room and smile. Kageyama must have been really tired because he just fell to one side. His legs and feet still in sitting position. I walk over to him and shake him gently. He blinks and sits up.
"Let's take your temperature.", Hinata says and grabs the thermometer. He opens his mouth and I slip the thermometer under his tongue.
We wait a moment until it beeps.
"38,1*", I say. Nothing serious but e fever nonetheless. "Drink some tea before you finally can go to sleep."
He takes the cup and takes small but steady sips.
When the cup is empty I take it from him.
"Go lay down properly, so you can sleep this fever off.", I say and push the blankets to the bottom.
He lays down and I wrap him in the blankets.
"Good Night Kageyama."
"Good Night Hinata." He yawns and starts to cough before he settles down, closes his eyes and fall asleep.
As quiet as possible I get my futon and the moment I lay down I feel how tired I am. It takes only a few moments until I fall asleep.

"...ata." Coughing. "Hinata?"
"Kageyama?" I ask and sit up. "What's wrong?"
"I'm cold.", he whispers. I look up to him and see him shiver under the blanket. His cheeks still flushed with fever.
"Let's take your temperature. To be sure it didn't got worse."
we wait for the thermometer to beep. "38,4* a bit higher then before."
"I can get you another blanket?", I offer. But he looks away and buries himself deeper into the blanket.
"No want you.", he mumbles and I first thought I heard wrong but my face flushes as red as my hair and I ask "Me?"
"Mm... your warm...", he whispers.
Slowly I stand up and sit down on the side of the bed. He peeks over the blanket.
"You are sure you want this?"
He nods.
"Ok. Then scoot over.", I say, still nervous and totally confused. I blame it on his fever and I just want to sleep so I lift the blanket up and slide in next to Kageyama. Despite him saying he's cold, his body is radiating an enormous amount of heat.
He snuggles close to me, wraps his arm around my waist and nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck. I tense up a bit but Kageyama sighs satisfied and whispers "your so warm... thanks..."
" pro... problem.", I stutter, but Kageyama is already fast asleep
"Well... whatever...", I smile and fall asleep as well.

Kageyama POV
I wake up because some thing tickles my nose. I slowly open my eyes and only see... orange?
It takes a moment for me to realize. Hinata! Hinata lay directly beside me. My arm was around his waist.
How? Why? When? So many questions flow through my mind.
Suddenly Hinata turns around. "Go back to sleep. It's to early.", he grumbles and scoots closer to me. I can't get Tarif to say samething so i just close my eyes and go back to sleep like Hinata said.
I think this will be the best sleep I have ever had.

Hinata POV
Coughing wakes me up. At first I've got no idea what happened. Then I remember yesterday. It open my eyes and turn around. Kageyama lay next to me. Buried into the blanket so I could only see the top of his black hair and his eyes. Another round of coughing starts and he groans.
I sigh. I touch his forehead to find it much cooler then the night before.
„Hin-", he starts and ends coughing violently.
„Sh.. don't speak. I'll get you something to drink.", I say and see his eyes close again.
I go to the kitchen grab a glas an fill it with water. Then I grab one of the water bottles and go back to Kageyama. While going back I look at the clock over the door. 7:43. I groan. Way to early!
When I get back to my room I sit down on the bed.
„Kageyama? You awake?"
„Sit up, I've got some water."
He opens his eyes and pushes himself into a sitting position. He shifts so he leans against the wall.
„Here drink. Then I'm going to take your temperature. I think your fever broke over night."
He takes the glas and sips the cool water until nothing is left.
Then I stick the thermometer under his tongue again. „37,6* that's still a little high. But nothing dangerous. It will probably fall during the day."
Kageyama nods and his eyelids drop again.
„You want to sleep some more? It's not even 8 in the morning."
„Mm.. you too..", he says and starts to cough again. It sounds dry and it seems to hurt.
„Do want something against the coughing?"
„The same as yesterday?", I ask and he nods before he coughs again.
I go back into the kitchen get hot water and put tea and a bit honey into a mug. I pour the hot water over and stir it with a teaspoon.
Then I grab some medicine my mother always gave me or Natsu.
Kageyama was half asleep. I sit down on my bed and his eyes open.
„Here take this it will help with the coughing.", I say and push a small white tablet into his hand. I grab the water and push the glas into his other hand.
He obediently takes the medicine, not even asking what it is. Then he takes small sips of the tea and it seems to soothe his sore throat. After some time of sitting and watching him drink his eyes Baden to drop and the half empty mug slides out of his hand.
I grab it before the content can spill onto my bed.
„Kageyama. Lay down. We can sleep a little longer."
I don't get a answer but he shifts his weight and falls back into the cushions.
I help him untangle from the blanket  and slip under it with him.
It doesn't take long for us to fall asleep again.

"I just want to play volleyball." ~ Haikyuu Fanficion Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora