Chapter Eight: Better?

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Kageyama POV
The next time I wake up I'm alone. No Hinata next to me. I sit up and feel a bad feeling in my stomach. It feels like I would throw up soon. I hope I was wrong.
Suddenly the door opens and Hinata comes in. He has a mug of tea in his hand.
„Here. Some tea. Do you want to eat some breakfast?"
I take the mug and take a small sip. The thought of breakfast made my stomach flip.
I shake my head. „Feel sick..." I mumble, cough lightly and take another sip of tea.
„Oh.. ok. Maybe later.", he says. „You want to come to the living room? We can watch some Tv or play a game?"
I nod and untangle myself from all the blankets. At least my fever seemed to be gone.
We sit down on the couch and play for a little while. My coughing was getting worse again. Hinata gave me another pill. Soon I feel myself get tired. The nausea were back as well. This time worse than before.
„Everything ok?"
I just nod my head. I didn't trust myself to speak. It seemed as if I opened my mouth I would definitely throw up.
„Really? You look a bit pale..", he says concerned.
Suddenly I feel bile rise my throat up. I close my eyes and clamp my left hand over my mouth. My right hand grabs around my tummy.
„Kage- are you going to throw up?", Hinata asks worried.
I nod my head slightly. I can feel more bile raise.
„Ok?!" Hinata runs away and comes only seconds later back with a bucket.
He gently puts the bucket in my lap.
„It's alright.", he says. And he's not one second to late.
The moment I wrap my hand around the bucket i start gagging and throw up.
It lasts just a few minutes which seem like an eternity to me. My throat hurts and I start to cough heavily into the bucket. Hinata rubs my back.
„Try to breath.", he reminds me as I start to feel lightheaded. I breath in and out. In and cough. I start to throw up again. I groan and feel tired.
„You think your done?"
I nod.
„Ok. Here to wash your mouth.", he hands me a glas of water. Then he takes the bucket and helps me clean my face. „Lean back. I'm going to this that away." he gestures to the bucket. I see him walk away. My chest hurts. My head hurts. My throat hurts. Everything hurts. I fight to stay awake until Hinata is back.

Hinata POV
I can't believe my eyes. When Kageyama keeps throwing up the contents in his stomach. He keeps coughing and I'm worried he might suffocate.
When he's finally done I help him clean up. When I come back after cleaning the bucket he's fighting to stay awake.
„You want to sleep?", I asks and sit down next to him. I've never seen him so miserable before. His eyes were red his face looks like a ghost and his breathing was shallow.
He lets himself fall into my lap. I tense up for a moment.
„wan.. t.. cuddle..", he mumbles tiredly and wraps his arms around my waist.
„Get some sleep. You will feel better after.", I say and start to work my fingers through his hair just like on the bus. He groans and I feel him relax a bit. It doesn't take long until he is fast asleep.
I just play with his hair and watch tv for a bit.
After a while he starts to move. He groans and starts to cough.
"You awake?", I ask.
"You want to drink something?"
"N..o..", he coughs again. "Need.. toilette.." he starts to sit up slowly.

Kageyama POV
I wake up. I still feel tired but I need to go to the bathroom.
"You awake?", Hinata asks me.
"You want to drink something?"
"N..o..", I start to cough and moan painfully at the raw feeling in my throat. "Need... toilette...", I answer and sit up slowly. My head hurts.
"Do you think you can go alone?"
I nod. I get myself to stand up and slowly walk to the bathroom. I feel Hinatas eyes on my back. "I'm going to make tea.", he calls after me.
I really don't care. I just want to go back to sleep. I can't believe I feel so tired. But I can't remember the last time I was sick so maybe it was normal.
After I finish in the bathroom I went to Hinatas room. I want a bed. It was more comfortable then the couch.
I fall down and curl myself in the blankets. I'm not as cold like yesterday, but I think my fever is still there. My eyes slip close and I fall asleep again.
When I wake up the next time it is dark in the room. Only a small lamp was lit. I turn my head and see Hinata sitting at his desk.
"Hi-", I start to cough and sit up.
Hinata immediately comes over to me and helps me sit up. He pats my back and gives me some tea to soothe my throat.
"Kageyama? Do you feel any better? You nearly slept all day."
" hur...ts..", I croak and cough again. Hinata frowns. He takes my temperature but it is normal again. "Do you want to eat some soup? My mom made some earlier when she cane home."
I just shake my head. Talking hurts to much. I just want to sleep.
"Kageyama, you need to get your strength back or this will never get better. I'm going to get you some of the soup."
The soup is really delicious. And after I ate I really feel a bit better. But the warm feeling in my tummy made me sleepy. So it doesn't take long until I slip back to a peaceful sleep.
I sleep through the night and when I wake up the next morning I feel a little better.
"", I ask, but my voice is nothing more than a thin whisper. I try to clear my throat and end up in a painful coughing fit.
"Kageyama? You awake?"
I nod. And hold my throat.
"Does your throat hurt?"
I nod again.
"I get you some tea. Maybe it will help."
I nod and try to ignore the pain.
A few moments later Hinata comes back with a mug of lukewarm tea in his hand. "Here."
"Tha..nk yo..u..", I try to thank him. But there is no way he understood because not even I could really understand what I said.
"It hurts really bad?"
I nod and take a sip of tea. Even swallowing hurts like hell.
"Maybe we should let a doctor check you out?"
I shake my head.
"I mean just to make sure it is just a cold and nothing worse."
I just shake my head. I didn't want to go to a doctor. It will go away in a few days. So I could convince Hinata that there was no reason to drag me to a doctor.
The remaining Sunday I spend mostly awake. We played some games. We did some of our homework. His mom made lunch and dinner.
And in the evening she drove me back to my house.
My parents would be home in an hour so I had enough time to shower and change myself in my own clothes.
Originally I wanted to wait for my parents but the moment I lay down on the couch I felt like all my energy was drained. I fell asleep.

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