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K then, lemme explain myself. I wrote this first little kinda... thing... In Mikasa's Pov and now I'm deciding to do more from a bunch of character's of Pov.

Um... sort of one shots I guess. Some might be serious, but I already know most will be pretty silly and exaggerate characteristics.

also, BEWARE OF SAILING SHIPS, PLZ BE CAREFUL I SERIOUSLY HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I EVEN SHIP IN SNK MAN SO RELAX. hmm I guess that goes for this whole little book thing here.

Anyways, enjoy the spawn of my random anime brain!


Nananananananana batman!

For fucks sake Eren why are you such a dick?

"God, don't make it gay mikasa!" he said when I said I love him. He always says that! It's not even gay! I have a vagina for fucks sake! And we're not related. We both know it, there's no fooling anyone. This attachment I feel towards him isn't just family love. And sweet mother Teresa on the hood of a Mercedes Benz! It certainly isn't family love with the attraction I feel when his secy self is shirtless. Cuz he looks like a majestic fucking eagle!

He's always pushing me away. He thinks that my aggressive caring about him comes off as clingy and obsessed when it's only super protective and completely devoted! He thinks I care about him aggressively as family. Well I do! That's why I need to protect that dumb little shit! Jeez, the first thing he does is try to attack the biggest titan known to man and then after that he gets fucking eaten! And he doesn't think he needs just a little looking after? Just 'cause he can bite a chunk out of his fucking hand and act like it doesn't hurt doesn't make him high and mighty. Although his aggressive and passionate rage side is hawt af...

Either way. It makes me sad to think that he'll only ever see me as a sister. I think id rather be friendzoned!!

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