The Final Night Part 2

Start from the beginning

Sitting back up, Ginny broke the tension, "You know after this is all over I think I've decided to date someone boring and completely unremarkable." The redhead looked thoughtful before continuing, "You probably know a fair few guys like that huh? You could introduce me." She grinned unrepentantly.

Hermione's confusion fell away at the last bit and she glared, "What's that supposed to mean!?"

"Kidding, kidding, kind of..." The younger girl rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"Anyhow, let's watch telly to pass the time." Ginny snatched up the remote that was lying limply in Hermione's grasp. "There's gotta be something that'll make time fly by."

Not long after, Ginny found MTV and was fascinated having never seen such wacky videos with a strangeness that her brother George would surely find captivating and would no doubt get inspired by. Not only that though. She found the 80's muggle music to be quite catchy. That is why she had no plans of removing herself from in front of the TV tonight. Except an hour into her newest hobby she did just that.

Sitting up she yawned and stretched, "I'm gonna go grab a snack at the corner store. Want one?"

Hermione had only just been able to relax and immerse herself into the music videos a few minutes ago and now her redheaded friend was crawling out of bed making her lose the new-found comfy position. The brunette wondered if she was doing it on purpose.

Looking at the bedside table clock, she stated, "It's only been a couple of hours since we had the pizza."

Still, she wasn't about to let the other girl, who was quickly throwing on something presentable, go out on her own.

As Hermione made to follow her by climbing off of the bed the redhead waved her off, "No. You stay put I'll only be a few minutes. No sense in both of us having to get dressed again. Besides, it's my snacks I'll get them."

"I don't mind and if I come with you. You'll be able to buy more since I can help you carry the bags." In Hermione's opinion, it was a sensible argument. Plus she didn't want the younger girl out of her sight, at least not tonight of all nights.

Knowing the reasoning behind this Ginny rolled her eyes. "You worry too much. I'll be right back."

Hermione groaned, "Why'd you have to say that? Now I have to go with you."

Ginny frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"You never say I'll be right back in a horror movie. People who say that never come back. It's a rule."

The redhead flipped her hair behind her shoulder with a small scoff, "Don't be silly. Besides this isn't a horror-" Ginny cut herself off while Hermione looked at her knowingly.

"Horror movie rule or not I'm going and you're staying right here, got it?" She commanded but Hermione protested anyway. Only for Ginny to grin wickedly, "Don't make me curse you into staying put."

"As formidable as your curses are, you'd have to catch me first and you just gave me a heads up." The older girl countered.

"I'd catch you off guard eventually," Ginny teased before her mirth faded. "Just wait here will you? And if I'm not back in fifteen, no ten minutes, you apparate yourself down to the store and raise all kinds of hell on them 'kay?" Hermione didn't look happy, "But that won't be necessary, I promise."

"You're so stubborn... but this is getting us nowhere. Fine. I don't get why you are so against me going, just hurry back," Hermione relented and Ginny clapped happily.

"I knew you'd see it my way."

"You remember that we had a safety talk before? Well, that doesn't just apply to me you know..."

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