Day Off

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".........and that's pretty much what happened." I told Joy. "Oh well that was an interesting dream. Well I'll see you around y/n, I got to go to work now bye!" Joy said while exited the house. "Well what should I do on my day off" I spoke to myself. I changed into some comfy\casual clothes and headed to the kitchen. "Ah the kitchen every person's best friend because it holds one of the best things in the world" I started and paused for dramatical effect even though I was by myself. "Food" I finished. I laughed at my own stupidity while making some breakfast. It was nothing special just a waffle. After that I started playing\singing along to some music. It was actually a lot of fun. A couple of hours had gone by, and I was super board. Then an idea popped in my head. "The time machine" I said to myself. I looked at our plans and blueprints to see what all I could do. "Huh" was all I said. I started looking to see what kind of parts we had.
After about two hours, I had figured out all the parts we had and didn't have. "Hmmm what to do first," I mumbled to myself. I started working  with the items I had now. I was able to build the frame of the time machine, but I was missing a few pieces. I need some mechanical pieces, like for the engine and stuff, and just a few more parts for the frame. My stomach growled informing me of my hunger so I made a sandwich. "hmmmmm what to do know......" I thought to myself. Then a light went off in my head.  "I'll go out and look for the parts I need!!" I yelled with a little to much excitement.

I walked around Ninjago City when I discovered, or rather re-discovered Cyrus Borg's building place. I smiled knowing that I had a jackpot just in my reach. I walked into the store and exzamined all the contents within the building. "hmmmm" was all I said. Then a store employee came up to me. "Do you need any help finding anything today?" the employee said while putting her best fake smile on. "Ummmm no I'm just looking, but thanks for the offer, ummmm miss," I told her while looking for a name tag, but there wasn't one. "Mkay" was all she said as she walked over to another costumer to bother.  "ooooooooo this looks promising," I mumbled to myself a little too loudly because somebody herd me. "Ah yes my newest invention" a man said from behind me. I jumped a little bit at the sudden voice, but then relaxed once I put two and two together and discovered this was the "legendary" Borg guy. "oh, yeah I was looking to buy something for a friend, and I thought that this looked promising," I quickly lied. "Oh! I'm sure that your friend would love it!" Borg said a little too excitedly in my opinion. "here I'll ring you up," he said. I followed him too the cashier place when I realized that I forgot my wallet. "oh crap sorry maybe I'll come back later cause I forgot my money at home," I quickly said before doing a slight wave as I walked away. hmmmmmm, I could steal the thing, but at the same time that would be really suspicious. hmmmmmmmm or maybe I could get the money to buy it!-no way that's way too expensive for a person like me! What if it doesn't even have any good parts that I need? I could always stop by Ed and Edna's place to see what I could find, I thought through all my options and finally decided to got to Ed and Edna's.

"oh hi dear!" Edna greeted me as I entered the junkyard. "What might we do for you?" Ed asked with a kind smile. "Oh I was wondering if I could look around 'cause I'm building something and I need a few parts" I informed the two. "Oh sure. What kinda things are yah looking for" Ed asked so he could help. "Oh something that has a small engine like thing but can give off a lot of power," I stated 'simply' to him while looking at the humongous piles of 'junk' everywhere. "oh I think I have just the thing for you!" he told me. "Really? thank you" I said happy to know that I wouldn't have to spend the entire day looking through everything. "Yeah, you see Jay and I used to work on stuff together and we made this thing, but we could never get it just right, but I'm sure with a little tinkering you could get it up and working," Ed explained as he showed me the part. "Actually this is perfect! It's exactly what I needed thank you!" I said happy to see something I could work with. I hugged the two adults as I headed back home to finish the most vital part of the machine.

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