The Weekend

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(See what I did there 😂 I'm so funny lol)

The girls were pooped💩 (heheheh pooped lol) Saturday morning, but Joy wanted to visit a museum like an actual museum. If you didn't know already Joy is a night owl and a morning person. So it was easy for her to wake up. "Hey hey, Y/n wake up," Joy whispered to y/n. "Huh? Joy? What time is it?" Y/n said while her eye-sight readjusted. "I don't know? Maybe 6 am" Joy responded still in a whisper. "6 in the morning!" Y/n whisper yelled. "Heheheh yeah," Joy said. "Well okay. I'm up. What'd you want to do?" Y/n asked Joy. "Well I was hoping we could all go to a museum today. You know so we can have fun! There's even one with free entry!" Joy said excitedly. (If you couldn't tell Joy likes history and stuff, don't get me wrong y'all like it, but she's into it) "OK, why don't we make breakfast, and then wake up the others," y/n told Joy. "Yeah sure why not" Joy said.

*time-skip to after eating breakfast (probably cereal)*

"ALRIGHT LISTEN UP, YOU GUYS NEED TO WAKE UP!" Y/n yelled into a microphone to her sleeping friends. Joy and y/n were laughing so hard at the girls reactions. Reactions "huh huh who died!!!!" Bella screamed while jumping up and looking around. "Ugh mom leave me alone" Libby moaned sleepily while waving her hand in a leave motion. "Ok I'm up I'm up" Shae responded groggily. And Keila....weeeelll......she didn't wake up. So y/n and Bella dragged Libby right next to Keila. All the girls smirked. The four girls grabbed four bags of ice. Y/n took Keila's head while Bella took Libby's. Shae positioned herself so she could dump her ice all over the rest of Keila's body, and Joy did the same only with Libby's.
The girls counted down before dumping their bags of ice over their friends. "Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!" Keila and Libby both yelled simultaneously and now wide awake. The other four couldn't hold in their laughter. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" and so forth. Soon enough Keila and Libby also joined in the laughter.

*time-skip to when y'all ate breakfast and got changed*

"Alright so here's the plan......................

We're going to a MUSEUM!!!!" Y/n and Joy both ended together. "Oh ok cool!" Bella responded (she also likes history) The girls decided to walk to the museum for two reasons
1) so they wouldn't have to look for a parking spot and
2) they needed to walk
They walked up to the building and read the sign. (Comment below if you know the museum's name (if it has a name) from the episode "Child's play" because I forgot what it's called and you guys are visiting it) "Alright let's have some fun!" The six girls said. They all walked in. (I know what you're thinking. "Well they obviously walked in" but who cares I'm leaving it.) "So what'd you guys want to see first, I mean we have all day sooo," Joy asked. "Well I know for sure that I want to see the Grundle," Bella said. (Is that how you spell it Grundle?) "yeah I want to see that two," y/n agreed. So the girls headed to the Grundle exhibit. "Wow cool, they have actual Grundle bones!" Bella said. "Yeah, and they have quite a bit of info on these "extinct" creatures" y/n said intrigued. (I say "extinct" because in one of the episodes in season 8 they show a green Grundle, so I don't care what people say they are still out there. {it's when Lloyd and Harrumi [that monster] were in the jungle together before they knew she was evil}) After examining all of the Grundle exhibit, the girls went to The Hall of Villainy. The girls were very excited about this exhibit especially Joy. Wows and ooooos and aaaahhhhs could be heard from these six girls. While they were reading plaques, they noticed that most of them included the word "ninja." "Hey you guys, wasn't there a time where elemental masters were well... allowed?" Joy asked the five other girls. "Yeah actually there was. Wait no way! Do you think those five dudes are NINJA!" Y/n and Bella said together.

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