Living "Normally"

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After the event, the girls and I have been laying low so to speak. One morning I was riding my bike (motorcycle) to the repair shop when I noticed a hot ride roll into the entrance of the garage. Can't wait to work on that, I thought. I put on my cap,

and proceeded to sign in

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and proceeded to sign in. As soon as I finished, I walked over to my fellow employee who was talking to some dude.
*their conversation*
"Sweet ride," Steve (my coworker) said. "I know right," other dude said. "So what's the problem, or do you just need an oil change or something?" Steve asked. "Oh yeah, I want an oil change, and also I was wondering if you could just look it over because it's been making some sounds and stuff," dude said.
And here's where I come in :D
"Hi wasup" I said. "Nothing much," Steve said. "Just need to do an oil change and check for any mest up parts," he told. "I can do it for you," I told him. "Oh yeah that would be great! Now I can finish working on the other car. Thanks again," he said. "No problem," I responded with a smile.

        I walked over to the car which might I add looked amazing

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I walked over to the car which might I add looked amazing. *insert star eyes*

*time-skip to when you finish car*

"So how was it" the dude said. "The cars great!" I started a little to enthusiastically. "Nothing's wrong with it. It probably just needed the oil change," I finished. "Well that's good. How much do I owe you?" The brunette dude asked. "Talk to that guy over there because I don't handle that stuff," I told the guy. Now during that conversation I realized that this felt so familiar, like I had met him somewhere else, but I just couldn't figure it out :/

After I finished my shift, I proceeded to make some dinner since nobody else was home. I decided to make lasagna, and by "make" I mean sticking a frozen lasagna in the oven. When it was finally done cooking, I took it out. Then all the girls entered the room. Talk about perfect timing, I thought.

After we all ate dinner, we decided to play Monopoly. Big Mistake. Let's just say none of us went to bed early *cough cough* or at all *cough cough* The good thing is that it's Friday!

I know this chapter was WAY shorter than all the others, but I've been busy. So I'll try to update whenever I can, but I'm not making any promises on consistency. Please comment, share and whatever else you want to do!

 Please comment, share and whatever else you want to do!         😋✌️

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