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Y/n's POV
"I can't believe we did it. We finished the time machine. We can go back home!" I squealed with joy. Even though my world is practically in ruin, it's home, and I can't wait to be back. "Uh geez, I don't know how to say this, but I don't think this piece of junk is going to hold long enough for all of us to go back at the same time," Shae concluded. "What?! But we need to go back! People need us!" Joy and Keila yelled. I had calmed myself by this point and I think Bella and Shae did too. "It's not that we can't send anyone over- just one at a time so it won't break down. Right?" I stated for Shae to correct me if I was wrong. "Yeah that should work," she responded certain it would work. "Ok so we'll see each other on the other side alright?" I said to my friends. "Yeah of course!" They all said reassuringly. "Should we say goodbye to the ninja before we go?" Joy suggested. "How about we make a video to send it to them before the last person goes over?" I said. "Ok y/n!" Joy responded with a smile.

The girls started the video saying the following-
Y/n- hey you guys! It's us and well we want-
Shae- we're going to miss you guys!!!
Bella- you guys made life in this time worth it and I can't believe I'm getting all sentimental about this
Joy- it was so much fun having you guys around!
(At this point some of us we crying but all of us we getting teary eyed.)
y/n- you know I have to admit at first all I could think about was getting back home, but now? Now I just wish we could've stayed longer.
At this point I was crying, tears escaped my eyes as I finished the video with a few more words
Y/n- I'm really going to miss you guys! Especially you Kai- you might not of known it but you've had a really big impact on me but sadly we need to go home.
Everyone - BYE WE'LL MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!
And the video ended.

Libby entered the portal first, then Keila, Joy, Shae, and finally Bella. I felt conflicted then. I couldn't decide. I knew I was needed back home. A single tear fell down my face as I sent the ninja the video on the chat we all had, and then I stepped into the portal. The portal exploded in the basement of their house not less then a minute after y/n had stepped in.
*on the other side*
Things were a lot worse then when we left. The Organization had taken control of everything and we weren't around to help the people that we swore to protect. Just then a little boy walked up to me and what he said impacted my thought process. "Can you help my mommy? She got taken away by some people in black suits and I miss her," he states with tears brimming his eyes. This sparked a flame in my heart and in my motivation. "What's you're name kid?" I asked. "It's Scott," he responded. "Well Scott, I promise you that we'll get your mom back," I promised. "Pinky promise?" Scott said sticking his small pinky out to make the agreement. "Pinky promise," I agreed rapping my pinky with his to seal the contract between the words spoken. Then I stood up and looked at my team. "You guys, I think it's time we gear up!" I said my newly lit fire spreading to my friends. "Alright let's do this thing!!" Bella cheered.

*time-skip to when the girls geared up and we're heading to the main building of the Organization*

Ninjago was hardly a city now. It looked like there was a zombie apocalypse, but without the zombies. We used our stealth to get close to the Organization building without getting caught. We made it to the building not long ago. I wasn't sure if the plan we devised was going to work, but I had to trust my team. "You guys if anything happens in there- I just want to say it was an honor working beside you all," I said truthfully. We all had a group hug before making our way in. "Libby, Keila, Shae good luck with the guards," I said before Joy, Bella, and I split off to try to get to where the boss was on the top floor. We were running down the halls knocking out any agents in our path, but at one point we were in a predicament. We were surrounded by what felt like hundreds of guards- not that we couldn't defend ourselves, but rather that we were on a time schedule. "Y/n get to the boss's room! We can handle things here okay?!" Bella and Joy said realizing that this had to be done. I gave a nod before getting out to leave my friends behind.

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