#8 (old)

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"Mr. Sylvester, you can come in now, " The nurse says as she opens the door to the room. I stood up from my seat in the hallway of the hospital, taking a deep breath. As I walked into the room, Emma was sitting back in the hospital bed, smiling down at the little bundle she held in her arms. "Claude, come and meet Amelia, " Emma said as she signaled me over. I sat down next to her as she handed to the little bundle gently to me.

I looked down at the tiny human I now held in my arms, this child of mine. "Hi, Amelia, I'm your dad; can you believe that?" I question. "How am I the father of such a beautiful little girl like you?" I question. The more I look at her, the more I was able to recognize what features she got from us. "She has your button nose, but that curly hair comes from me, but that auburn brown color, all you," I say to Emma.

"She looks so much like you, it's crazy, " I say as I smile at Emma. "Honestly, I think she looks more like you,", Emma says. "The only person she could have gotten these looks from is from her beautiful momma, " I tell Emma as I kiss her cheek. "I love you, " I say as I kiss her cheek again. "And I love you too, Amelia. I will always love you, " I say as I gently kiss her forehead. Then a nurse walked into the room, pulling in a little bassinet. "It's starting to get dark, which would make it a good time to put let the baby sleep while you can stalk up on as much as you can, Mrs. Sylvester." The nurse said as she brought the bassinet close to me. "If you ever need any assistance, just ring, " The nurse said before leaving the room. I then gently put Amelia down in the bassinet. "You heard the nurse, you should try to get some sleep while you can, besides, I've heard that after you bring the baby home, you can just say goodbye to sleep," I say.

"You should get some sleep too, " Emma told me as she moved over on the hospital bed, tapping the now open side, signaling me to join her. I then lay down next to her, wrapping my arms around her as she tried pulling the blanket over me for us to share. "Good night, Emma, " I say as I kiss her forehead. "Good night, and Claude, I love you, " She says to me. "I love you too, very, very, very, much, " I said as I then fell asleep.

Clemma Oneshots (Claude x Emma)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon