#7 (old)

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"Tiana, are you home?" I slightly yell as I knock on her front door. After waiting for a few minutes, the door swung open and I saw Vinnie's face. "Hey Vinnie, is your mom home?" I ask him. Tiana was Vinnie's mom and the person who took care of Claude after his mom left.

"Yeah, but she's with a client at the moment. She's doing Ms. Jenkins's hair, apparently, her daughter is pregnant and they're throwing a baby shower, party thing, " Vinnie says as he lets me in. "I'll just tell mom you're here, then I got to go. I'm hanging out with Roy and Junior." Vinnie says as he tells his mom about my arrival. "Bye Vinnie, and tell Roy and Junior I said 'hi', " I say before he walks out the door. "Will do, bye Emma," Vinnie says. "Bye, Vinnie, " I say as he leaves.

As I walk into the kitchen, I could see across the room Ms. Jenkins glancing into her hand mirror. "Oh, Tiana, it's beautiful. Thank you so much, how much do I need to pay you?" Ms. Jenkins question, but Tiana raised her hand stopping her. "You owe me nothing, now go before you miss that baby shower, " Tiana says as Ms. Jenkins bid farewell and left. Tiana then brought her attention to me. "Let me guess, you need someone to talk too?" Tiana asks as I put my stuff down, nodding 'yes' as an answer. "Come to sit and talk while I do your hair, that way I can be in the zone, " Tiana says as she smiles so brightly as I then sat down in the chair in front of her. "What's the problem, sweetheart?" She asks in a gentle tone, like a caring mother.

"Claude and I have been arguing a lot about things lately, but the one we had this morning was what did it for Claude, he snapped at me. He got so mad, and it scared me. After that went down, I could tell by his actions and his guilty expression he realized what he did, but he didn't say anything, then he looked at the time and left cause he knew he'd be late for work." I say. "Well, he should be expecting a talk from me this afternoon. Anything else that's been going on?" She asks.

"Well, not really, but I'll still tell you. Other than all the arguing lately, I've been feeling extremely tired and I've threw up here and there. I think I might be coming down with something, " I say, and I could feel Tiana's hands in my hair just suddenly stop. "Tiana, are you alright?" I ask her. I could then feel Tiana's hands untangle from my hair. "Emma, grab your stuff, we're going out, " She says out of nowhere. "Why?" I question. "I'll explain on the way, now come on and get in my car, " She says as we leave the house as she locks the door, then we got into her car, and off we went. After being in the car for roughly twenty minutes, we were outside the doctor's office. "Tiana, why are we here?" I ask her. "I'll explain soon, I promise, " she says as we walk into the doctor's office. After filling out paperwork and having a nurse show us to an exam room, Tiana finally decided to explain.

"So, Emma, I brought you here because I want you to take a pregnancy test, " she says. "You what? " I yell. "Shh, quiet down. I want you to take a pregnancy test because I think you might be pregnant, " She says to me. "Tiana, are you insane? " I question. "Really Emma, think about it; the tiredness, throwing up, those are the two major signs of pregnancy, that's why you should take a test, we need to know, " Tiana says. "And what if I'm not pregnant and we're just simply wasting our time?" I ask her. "Then I'll make it up to you by making your favorite dish and I'll buy you a bottle of wine, " Tiana tells me. "Okay, I can work with that, " I say, just then a doctor entered the room. "Good morning, ladies. Now, who here is Emma Sylvester?" The doctor asks, and I just slightly raise my hand. "Hello, Mrs. Sylvester, now why are you in for today?" The doctor asks, but I couldn't say a thing, I was too embarrassed to say anything. "She's here to get a pregnancy test done, " Tiana tells the doctor.

"Ah, I see. Well, Mrs. Sylvester, I would like you to follow me then, " The doctor says as he opens the door. The doctor then leads me to a small bathroom in the main back of the office and handed me a small cup. "Now, I'm going to assume you never took a pregnancy test before, so I'm going to explain how this whole thing works out. You're going to go into this bathroom and fill up that cup with your urine, and the reason why we're having you do that is that, in your urine, we can use a magical little stick to detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone called hCG, a hormone that can help tell us if you're pregnant or not, " The doctor explains to me. "Oh, okay, " I say with a shaky voice. "There's no need to be scared, Mrs. Sylvester, now go on, " The doctor tells as I walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I stared at the little cup in my hand as I hit my forehead, sighing. "What have I gotten myself into?" I ask myself.

After a few minutes, I walked out of the bathroom, handing the now full cup to the doctor. "See, it wasn't that bad. Now, you can go back to the exam room, I'll be back shortly with the results, " He tells me as I quickly make my way back to the room. "So, how'd it go?" Tiana asks me. "I've never been so traumatized in my entire life, and he said he back with the results soon," I say to her. Tiana stood up and she rubbed circles on my back to calm my nerves, soon the doctor returned. "I'm back, and with the results too, " he says. "I hope it's negative, " I mumbled under my breath to Tiana. "Okay, Mrs. Sylvester, the results say positive, you're pregnant. With that, I'd like to see you back here in four weeks for a check-up. Whenever you're ready to leave, just sign out at the front desk." The doctor says, leaving as he closes the door behind him, leaving Tiana and me in the room. We then checked out at the front desk and we left the hospital, Tiana driving us back to her house. During the drive back, I couldn't help but think about things.

Once we got back, once again sat in the chair in her kitchen. "Emma, are you alright?" She asks me, and I just started to break down in tears. "I can't be pregnant Tiana, I just can't," I say, and Tiana just pulled me close as I sobbed into her dress. "Why not, Emma?" She asks me. "It's too soon, I don't want to be pregnant, especially in this mix of chaos Claude and I are in. I'm not ready to have a child yet, I don't even know how to raise one. I don't even know Claude even wants to raise a child, what if he leaves me, Tiana?" I question. "Emma, sweetie, I'm going to tell you something important, and I need you to listen carefully. Sometimes things happen and you'll have to face them, but you aren't going to face this all by yourself because I'll be here for you, and Claude won't leave you, cause if that boy does try to leave you because you're pregnant I'll slap some sense into him. Now, you're going to be just fine, but now you're going to have to find a way to tell Claude." She tells me as she wipes away my tears.

"Tell me what?" I could hear someone say, I turn to see Claude standing at the kitchen doorway, Vinnie standing behind him, confused over what was happening. "Claude, why are you here?" I ask him. "Well, after my shift, Vinnie ended up inviting me to hang out with him and Raymond, and Junior. Before I left to go home, Vinnie said you were here with Tiana, but now I want to know what's going on, " He says as he stares us down. "Emma has something she needs to tell you. I'll be in the living room so that you two can have some privacy, " Tianna says as she left the kitchen, leaving us alone. "Well, what is it, what do you need to tell me?" Claude questioned me walking over to me. As I looked at him, the more afraid I was to tell him. "Um, well I don't how to really say this, but I'm pregnant, " I say, mumbling the last part. "What did you say?" He questions as he got closer to me. "I'm pregnant," I say a bit louder than expected. I looked away for I didn't want to see his reaction, but all I was met with was silence. "I didn't really want to tell you because I didn't want to add more to the chaos we're in. I thought the arguments were bad enough, but this is a whole new level. I didn't want to tell you cause I was afraid of how you react, that you might get mad and leave, that thought scared me, " I say, as a pair of hands grabbed my hands, I look to see Claude kneeling down in front of me.

"Emma, I'm so sorry for the arguments, especially if they made you think that I'd get mad and leave you." Claude started off saying. "How could I be mad when you're carrying our child. The child we've created together, and I don't want to miss out on a single moment of seeing our child come to be. I want to be the parent I never got to have grown up, I'm going to try to be the greatest father there ever has been and during that process, also work on being a better person, a better husband." He says as he smiles at me. I bent over and I kissed him, passionately. "I love you, " I tell him. "I love you too, and our little one, " Claude says as kisses my stomach, as he then wraps his arms around my waist, bringing his head close my stomach. "I love the both of you, so much, " Claude says as I smile brightly, knowing that I'll be alright.

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