"Mom!" you protested, she knows how much you don't like talking about this kind of things.

"We will give you time dear. It will be your decision. No pressure, you can just start by,what do you call that, hanging out? Just try."

You bowed your head in defeat, you knew your parents have been planning this for a long time. "Does he know anything about this? I mean did you tel Alen that was your plan?" you asked.

"Yes, and he was excited about it. His parents were also supportive."

Later that day, you saw your mom talking to Shuichi while you're in the terrace of your room looking at the garden.

Your mom was laughing and it looks like they are getting along well. "I wonder what they are talking about? You watched them intently trying to figure out what they were discussing. You did not notice that your brother has been calling and knocking on your door until he decided to enter.



"Did I surprise you? I'm sorry I was worried coz your not answering so I enter. I heard everything from mom and Alen. So Alen came huh?"

"Yeah." you let out a deep sigh.

"And your friend is here." he said looking at your mom and Shuichi.

"He's not my friend. Why's everyone saying we are friends?"

"So what are you two?" he asked smiling. Receiving no response he added, "You know sis, you don't have to force yourself to like someone. It will come naturally. Who knows you might find someone else that can fit the category and follow the rules." he was looking straight to Shuichi and your mom while talking.

"Can I ask you something bro?"

"Sure. I haven't heard the word bro in a while."

"How will you know if you like someone?"

"Hmm, that's a tough question. It depends, but for starters you usually think about the person unconsciously and you get affected with the things he/she does whether it concerns you or not."

"I see."

"So you think you like someone?"

"I'm not sure. But I dreamt that we told one another that we like each other."

Your brother laugh out loud which made you red in the face.

You suddenly saw at the peripheral of your vision that Shuichi was leaving.

"Aren't you gonna say good bye to your "not a friend classmate?"


"Why not?"

"I just remembered he left me earlier when a new girl dragged her."

"Aw, my little sister finally had a little taste of competition."

"Hmmp! It's not like that!"

"Then go and greet him casually. He's your student guide right?" he smiled, eyebrows alternately going up and down.

"Alright! Just stop that annoying look!"

You ran out of the room and saw him being escorted out of the main door.


"Oh, (Y/N) I was so worried about you. Our teacher told us what happened. I'm so sorry about Maya too, our conversation was interrupted and you were left alone. She's like that since we were kids." his handsome apologetic  face somehow soothed something inside you.

"No worries. I want to let you know that I will accept the dinner invitation from your mom." you smiled.

"Oh, mom will really be happy and so do I. I also mentioned that earlier to your mom."

"Ok, shall I bring anything?"

"No need, your presence is enough."

You smiled genuinely at him, feeling happy inside.

"Mark the date. For now I need to go. Rest well (Y/N). See you tomorrow."

"See you!"

The butler opened the door for Shuichi and there stood Alen outside. His blonde hair was tied down behind his back and he was wearing a corporate attire which made him look dashing. You caught a glimpse of his face frowning at him but he suddenly shifted gaze and smile when he saw you.

"Alen, you're here. By the way, this is Shuichi my classmate. Shuichi, this is my childhood friend Alen."

"Nice to meet you." Shuichi said offering his hand.

"Likewise." Alen said. Their eyes stared at each other for a few seconds and you don't know why you feel tense all of a sudden.

"Well, I need to go. See you tomorrow (Y/N)."

"Excuse me Mr. Minamino, the madam is asking if you could stay longer for dinner. One of her meetings got cancelled and she wanted to know if you could help Ms. (Y/N) catching up with the subjects she missed today."

He look at you as if he wants to ask for your approval first, seeing your pleasant expression he accepted.

"Are you sure you don't need to rest more?" Alen asked, placing a hand over your forehead. Then he pinch your cheek.

"Alen, I'm not a kid anymore." stop doing that.

He giggled and said, "I just missed you. Let's catch up later." he left as a butler escorted him to where the guest room is.

Another butler arrived and said, "Ms. (Y/N) two people were outside the gate claiming to be your friends."

"Huh? I'm not expecting anyone to come today. And how did they know where I live? Did you get their names?"

"I believe they are Justin and Maya."


"No one said we have a party. I should have called my friends over! Just let them in!" your brother answered, suddenly appearing behind you.

You look at Shuichi questioning but you sense he has nothing to do with it.

A/N: Thank you guys for reading and for all your support. I'm not sure what the highlight of this chapter is but I hope somehow you enjoyed it. Even a bit.lol

Sorry In the Manga, Maya isn't really annoying but I'm jealous of her being paired with Shuichi and she will appear in the upcoming OVA so I included her in this story. Lol

Kurama Has Fallen (KuramaXReader) Under revision And EditingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora