Recap of Protostar and Prologue

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Atlantis has been at the helm of the history of the Mystic World. Two wars (or Frays) involving Magus's with the Outsiders have made Atlantis what it is to this day. The First Fray led to its creation as a place of refuge, and the Second Fray to the complete concealment of all Mystic lands from the rest of Humanity. Despite such a long peace since the Second Fray, history will come back to bite.

The last book kicked off with a young Feigmontinian named Gemini, who was trying to discover the truth behind his horrible dreams. Suddenly, they just stopped. During the spring of 2018, it was his turn to undertake the Endeavor.

While Gemini left, another student was returning from The Endeavor at the port of Scendit. Her name was Paige. Right when she felt as if her Endeavor had been pointless, she had realized that a souvenir ring she had accidentally taken before leaving Hyperborea was actually a Shard.

Thanks to a dedicated staff member of the ship taking the graduates back, Paige was discovered to be an extremely powerful and rare Magus; an Echelon Five. Sadly, she never really enjoyed this new power longer than the day she discovered it. What occupied her thoughts was this vision of a mysterious being. It felt to her like it was more than just a vision, as this being seemed aware. More ominously, as Gemini was heading north to Hyperborea, he himself had a similar encounter with the same being in another vision. Both events were isolated, as Paige and Gemini lived on opposite sides of the country.

Paige then traveled around Atlantis looking for work, while Gemini traveled North with his new friends; Derik the Elve, sassy Rachel, and the cool-headed Grace.

Meanwhile in the United States, the dysfunctional Nelson family announces a family trip to a destination usually reserved for relaxation. But is this even possible with two brothers; Travis and Chester (18 and 12) who just can't get along? Their sister; Adrian (16), who has to get involved in every fight they have? Finally, their parents; Robert and Jennifer, who both struggle to keep the peace? What could possibly go wrong?


That family finally departs for Britain on the day before the summer solstice, and after a few troubles getting out the door, Chester and Travis attempt to make peace for this once-in-a lifetime trip across Central Europe. But as events unfold in Hyperborea during the final stages of the Endeavor, things begin to go very badly.

Apparently, Paige was offered another chance to make an impact at the Endeavor. However, while she was giving a motivational lecture, something violently took control of Paige's body and mind, and attacked the staff before trying to escape. She had strange orders to exit Hyperborea's veils without taking precautions, and she did.

In her creature form; that of a Rokh, she flew all the way to Mount Etna in Sicily. It was there that this mysterious voice guided her through a series of actions that freed a powerful being from the mountain. There were a few Outsider witnesses to this happening, and the being attacked them; only hurting a single Human. It was here that Paige briefly regained her senses and attacked the being before being immobilized.

The being revealed himself as Typhon; who was thought to have been killed by Zeus's fatal and final blow during the Second Fray. It was here that Typhon was cast into the mountain before he could completely wipe out the Roman Empire. Allegedly, Zeus's last action was indirectly responsible for Typhon's eventual resurrection.

Typhon explained how robbed he felt of his chance to conquer Humanity, then went on a rant about his plans for Atlantis and why the Outsiders must be destroyed. It was here that Paige discovered Typhon's intentions to revive an ancient power, and assert control over all magic on Earth.

History shows that this can only happen by finding the very object that created magic on Earth; the Star. Over the course of time, the Star has been split many times in order to keep any one being from getting all its power.

There were five main pieces:

The Uncorrupted Star; commonly referred to as The Protostar. Now residing in Hyperborea, it is from this piece that graduates of the Endeavor collect their Shards.

From this piece in turn came the other three, and less significant pieces; each belonging to the Three Brothers. We know them by the name of Zeus's Thunderbolt, Poseidon's Trident, and Hades' Bident.

The Corrupted Star; or The Morrowstar. This is the other halve of the Star. But it was corrupted by Kronos; who long ago, attempted his own failed campaign to unite the Star under his will. Eventually, Typhon got his hands on it, and it gave him so much power, that only Zeus could've stopped him. But the bolts energy became a part of his Morrowstar when Zeus died. Therefore, Typhon proclaimed his desire to collect the other pieces.

Paramount to him was collecting from Hyperborea both the Protostar, and the boy who he had seen on the same night as Paige. After failing to change Typhon's mind over this, Paige was again put under his control. She flew them both back to Atlantis, with the intent of conquering the capital.

But Typhon and Paige were seen on multiple occasions by us humans. It is during the first few moments of the Nelson's time in Europe that they have heard radio reports of a mysterious creature flying around Western Europe. In addition, Hyperborea was now in chaos from the events of that day.

It's not just Hyperborea. By now, all of Atlantis is in complete disarray as multiple killings occur everywhere. Paige wasn't the only Magus who was affected. At the end of the story, we find out that Typhon has been planning this for a long time, as his agents have been secretly poisoning the Shards of powerful Magus's. These Magus's would now, like Paige, unwillingly join Typhon's campaign for not only dominance of Atlantis, but the entire world.

Then the story ended there.
Paige under Typhon's influence.
An army poised to destroy Atlantis's leadership.
Gemini and his friends about to face a determined enemy.
And finally, The Nelson's, who don't yet realize where their travel plan might lead them.

My dedicated fans who have read up to this point, please sit back and relax as the story continues!

***Spoilers end***


"We all knew the end would come for Triton."

In a sea of green, blue, and white, the Alyrian people cheered on their new ruler as his speech began. Perched on the high balcony of the Blue Palace, and with raised hands, Typhon continued.

"It was the end of nothing special, that I promise!Have you not seen the crowds? The flocks? The herds? They rallied behind me, not our so-called 'protector.'"

Again, to my disgust, the tumultuous masses kept on cheering. When the waving hands made way, I could see the proud, seemingly friendly face of our conqueror.

"We protect our own by fighting the threat! Not hiding from it!"

It was so easy to be deceived. The patriotic music, the victory march throughout the city, a proud people rejoicing in a tyrant's promises.


And tyrants always keep their promises.


Happy New Year everyone.

I'm continuing this series. Wish me luck!

Questions here if you have any.

Shards: Intro- Part 2 (old)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن