Chapter 8. Abort Mission

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A few days had gone by, and I hadn't heard from Ace. I didn't try to contact him either. Ace was hiding something from me, but I wasn't honest with him either. It seemed that neither of us was going to give the other what they wanted.

The house was quiet. The smell of coffee drew me to the kitchen. I stopped in the doorframe of the kitchen.

Ace stood at the counter. He hadn't noticed me because he was staring out the window. His bare skin glistened in the light of the sun. He wore a pair of red satin shorts and nothing else. Ace sighed and turned around.

I froze, and my muscles became rigid. I hadn't expected him to turn around so suddenly.

Ace knew that I was staring, and he smirked. "Like what you see, bebita?"

"I do," I admitted. "But what I see is usually ruined by what comes out of your mouth." My eyes narrowed, and my lips mashed in a straight line.

Ace bit his lip to stop a chuckle, but it escaped anyway. Ace watched me as I made my way to the coffee pot. As I poured coffee into a cup, Ace pressed his chest against my back. He lowered his lips to my ear.

"Come on, bebita. It's not like we are going to tell each other everything right away. It's like you said, trust is earned," Ace said. "You're hiding things from me."

"I'm pretty sure what I am hiding is petty compared to what you are hiding," I muttered. I turned my head to meet his gaze.

"How about you tell me, and I'll be the judge of that," Ace said and smirked.

"In your dreams." I turned to walk away, but Ace caught my arm.

Ace took the cup of coffee from me and sat it down on the counter. His chest was to mine. Ace grabbed my chin to force me to meet his gaze. "It's not that I don't want to tell you. It's not my place. Carlos is private, and he doesn't want us telling everyone his business."

"It's your business too, isn't it?" I scoffed.

"I just work for him." Ace shrugged. "There are things you're not ready to tell me, and there are things I'm not ready to tell you. Can't we just leave it at that?"

I grimaced. "Maybe we can try."

Ace let go of my chin and caught my lips with his. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him.

The kiss built into something so substantial that I struggled to breathe. My arms wrapped around his neck. It was more pleasurable than alcohol or weed.

Ace lifted me and placed me down on the counter. He squeezed my thighs and pulled me close. His tongue slipped into my mouth.

The same desperation came over me, and I needed to be closer to him. Passion seemed to be an understatement.

Ace's hand moved up my thigh and didn't stop until his hand was between my legs. I could feel his finger move above my shorts. The friction made the heat between my legs unbearable, and I moaned into his mouth.

"Hey, that's disgusting. We eat there," Luis said.

We broke apart and looked at Luis. My face heated up in embarrassment. I shoved Ace away from me and grabbed my coffee.

Ace smirked at me and squeezed my ass before I could get away.

I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. I pretended like I was paying attention to what was on the news, but the truth was, I was still wrapped up in Ace.

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