The City

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Liran watched in fascination as the parked vehicle got closer and closer. The doors opened and some people stepped out, as if to watch. Liran could imagine what they were thinking. That it seemed impossible that this large truck was barrelling down the road.

Just like it felt impossible to Liran that he was sitting in a truck with Akim and Imorah, and his foot was better, and they were about to do something that could potentially kill all of them.

Then the men pulled out their guns, and started firing. Beams of blue laser fire lit up the tunnel, but it was too late. The truck was going so fast.

Liran watched as the men dove out of the way of the truck, and was just in time to bury his face behind his crossed arms and the pillow he was clutching. He looked at Akim, whose knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel, and who, if Liran wasn't mistaken, was laughing like a mad man. Who was this man?

And then the truck collided with the vehicle. There was an impact, and Liran felt his buckle tighten against his chest, digging into his neck, and behind him, Imorah screamed.

The windshield shattered, and glass spewed everywhere.

Akim started screaming at the top of his lungs. Or was that a whoop of joy? Liran couldn't tell. 

There was a deafening noise outside, and looked up to see what was going on. The truck, much smaller than the one they were driving, was wrapped around the front of their truck. There were sparks flying everywhere as Akim kept driving like nothing was the matter.

"OOOH YEAH!" Akim screamed at the top of his lungs, clearly having fun. "I've been dying to do something insane like this for years!" he said, turning to look at Liran.

Liran managed a smile, but felt sick to his stomach.

At some point, the truck somehow dislodged, and bounced away to Liran's side like a toy, and they were free. Their truck sped forward through the tunnel as if nothing had happened, except now there was no windshield and the noise from the engine was all around them.

Akim grinned at Liran. "They never saw us coming!"

Liran nodded, unsure of what to say. He was shocked.

He turned and looked back at Imorah, who seemed wide-eyed and shocked as well, but unharmed.

"That was crazy!" Liran screamed at Akim. "You're crazy!"

"Ahaha!" Akim laughed. "We did it!"

"No, you did it! You're crazy."

"There's no going back now."

Liran nodded. That's for sure. He wanted to ask, 'What about your sister?' and then the truth dawned on him. The only reason Akim was acting this recklessly was because his sister must be dead. Perhaps they had terminated her after Akim's failed mission. Who knows what had happened, but he suddenly saw Akim's behaviour for what it was: suicide. It was all or nothing.

He swallowed. I just hope he doesn't kill us as well.

Liran wasn't sure how much longer they drove, but it was exhausting, with the wind rushing in through the smashed-out window. He kept expecting someone to be waiting around the next bend, a bigger truck, more men, an army of men, but there was nothing, and he realized with relief that Akim hadn't been joking when he said they had a staffing shortage. Who would have known?

Finally they came to a fork in the road and turned left.

Liran had to go to the bathroom, and he was hungry and tired. He didn't know what day it was or how long they'd been driving, but he knew that if they didn't stop soon, he was going to go crazy. It just had to end at some point.

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