12.1. Convergence (Imorah's Dream)

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I wake up in the dream in the white hallway with infinite doors, and immediately start walking to the end, where I always go, where the old lady lives.

As I'm walking, I pass another apartment door to my right that is open a crack. Bright light is streaming out from behind it. I can't help myself and peek curiously inside.

There is a young girl, sleeping huddled in the corner on the floor. I'm confused by what I see at first, and it takes me a moment to realise that it's me, asleep on Tashin's straw mattress.

I slam the door shut, willing the image away. "That's not real!" I scream. In my dreams, I choose what is real. That's not real, I tell myself again.

Or is it? I question back, feeling confused. I don't know what is real and what isn't.

"Stop it!" I yell, shaking my head. I feel a presence in the hallway trying to find me, rattle me, gain control of the dream.

Continuing down the hallway, I push the presence away. If I can get to the end of this hallway and see that lady then everything will be okay.

I'm walking by another door to my left, and notice it's open as well. Despite not wanting to see what's in there, I can't stop myself from looking.

A brief glimpse inside — I see a man's hands, cutting flesh. He's killed something and blood is everywhere. The walls are lined in the skins of zabi. The roof is covered in Zabi heads — one of them stares down at me. It's tongue is hanging from it's limp mouth, showing strange, flat teeth. Inside its throat is red flesh and blood, twisted and corded up.

Slamming that door shut, I destroy the image. "Stop it!" I scream, and start running down the hall. I need to get control of the dream back. A presence — something has taken control of my dream. I'm out of control — it's a nightmare.

I run and run.

It feels like I'm running forever. I just need to get to the end of the hall, but no matter how hard I run, the door remains out of reach.

Please, please, please, please. Oh please, Sweet Guardian, protect me. Save me, I pray silently in my dream.

The familiar words pull me back, strengthening me.

I feel power over my dream return. Once again, I take control of the dreamscape.

The door is before me and I reach out and touch the knob, relief already flooding into me. I'm just in time.

I turn and see a faceless shadow — it casts me darkness.

But before it reaches me, I close my eyes and fall inside the door, into darkness.

I'm falling backwards.

I am alone in a black space, falling, travelling through the dreamrealm.

Using the technique my grandmother taught me many years ago, I repeat silently, "The dream is not real, but I am real."

Finally, after a long time of falling, a distant pinpoint of light appears on the horizon. I pull my perspective to the light, and the pinpoint turns into a sun that surrounds me.

My body is enveloped in light. I feel the love of my grandmother, and The Guardian and every loving thing I've ever experienced is wrapping me in a white blanket.

I hear the sound of crickets and a warm breeze.

When I open my eyes, I am ... in a field. Huh? Why did I come here? I look around, wondering where I am. This is not what I expected.

The Dreaming: Dark Star (Book 5)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ