Imorah's dream -- PART 1

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Author's Note: 

Please forgive me if this is unpolished, rambling or boring. I honestly didn't even give it a second glance before posting my first draft! 


I awaken in a white room on a bed. I'm wearing a simple, long, white dress. I feel cosy and clean and fresh and good. I close my eyes, and drift back to sleep.

Some time later, I wake up again. The room is the same. I doze in and out of consciousness. I feel like I could lie here forever.

At some point, I open my eyes enough to take a good look around. There is no one in the room. There are no windows, and as far as I can see, there are no doors. It feels warm and comfortable here though. I close my eyes, and go back to sleep.

Something awakens me.

I open my eyes--there is nothing, no one in the room, but my heart is racing. I think it might have just been a bad dream, but for some reason, the room isn't so cozy as it was before. I think I see a shadow on the wall, but I'm not sure. When I look more closely, it's nothing.

"Hello?" I call out. My heart is beating hard.

"Hello, how may I help you?" a kind, female voice asks.

"Hello. Um... where am I?" I seem to have no memory of how I got here. Or... even where I was before I came here.

"You're in a safe place, Imorah."

That's not an answer. "Who are you?" I ask. I stand up, and get out of the bed, and feel along the walls. There don't seem to be any doors.

"My name is SALVATION, but you can call me Sally for short."

SALVATION? That name is familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

"Why don't you go to back to bed, Imorah?"

"Why should I go back to bed?" I ask the voice. "Where are you? Where am I?"

"You're safe, Imorah. Please relax."

"Who are you?"

"I am Sally, I am here to help you. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

The voice. I recognize that voice.

I turn and see a shadow out of the corner of my eye, but when I look around there is nothing. I feel a chill run up my spine.

Suddenly, again, I see a shadow along the wall. It's a shadow of a hand, or an arm. It looks like the walls are semi-transcluscent and someone is on the other side. It creeps me out.

"Can I leave here?" I ask the voice, searching every wall for an opening, a door. But there are none.

"You should relax, Imorah."

I turn and see more hands, shadows pressing against the wall. It's like they want to get into the room. It's not happening, I tell myself. I close my eyes. What's going on here? Something is very, very wrong, but I can't figure out what.

"Relax, Imorah. Everything is going to be okay. Why don't you lie down?"

I look at the bed--it's inviting. I walk over to it and sit down.

"Soon you'll be safe with us, Imorah. Very soon you'll be safe with us and we'll be able to fix all of this."

I feel tired suddenly. I lie back and close my eyes.

The Dreaming: Dark Star (Book 5)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum