Chapter 26: Miracle

Start from the beginning

"Well you know what I want King Fin so ether you can hand over your wife and daughter or we will take them." He hissed clearly thinking he had the upper hand. I felt Laura squeeze my hand and I could feel her anger rolling off her.

"You will never have my mate or our children so why don't you do us all a favor and crawl back into that cove and disappear for eternity." I hissed back.

"Have it your way. ATTACK!!" He ordered as chaos erupted around us.

"Now Celeste!" I commanded as he ran towards Laura and I but stopped as soon as everyone in front of him began changing.

Within a matter of seconds everyone looked like Laura including myself. All of the Tonrar didn't know what to do as they were ordered to take her hostage. We began gaining the upper hand due to their confusion until Damien hollered. "Kill her and find her daughter! Don't let the witches spell stop our mission!"

Everyone began fighting and as soon as one of the Laura's were stabbed or killed they transformed back into the original person. The fight was fairly even and the real Laura and I were fighting Damien and his Beta. Pretty soon Laura was able to kill his Beta and we both began fighting him. He was rather skilled and I believe he had some enchantment on him since every cut and hit he would take would heal in a matter of seconds. We went on for what felt like hours until he managed to knock Laura out so it was just him and I.

"Any last words before I kill you and take your mate and daughter," he taunted trying to get me to lose my cool.

"No because you will never have them even if I am dead. Laura will always love me and protect our children from people like you. Besides I'm sure she would still scream my name if you ever did try and breed with her." I taunted back which made him lunge at me aggressively.

I easily dodged his attack and sliced him deep in the side. I noticed his healing was starting to slow down now as it took several minutes for that wound to close as we kept fighting. I noticed Laura start to stir from where she had been knocked unconscious and looked towards me and nodded. I knew what she was planning so I made sure his back was to her as she struggled to stand and gain her balance. I kept taunting him as Laura shook her head and began creeping up behind him. She launched herself onto his back as she drove her dagger into it at the same time I lunges forward and dug my dagger into his chest right where his heart was.

We heard all the Tonrar begin screaming in agony at the pain of losing their king. Soon most of them were dead and the rest began retreating. We were so happy that we finally defeated them we didn't notice the guy coming up behind us. It wasn't until I saw him out of the corner of my eye. I quickly spun around and shoved Laura out of his path as he plunged the dagger into my chest. As I collapsed to the ground I watched Laura get up and rip the guys head off before she began screaming for help. She placed her hands on my chest trying to heal the wound but her powers were still frozen. I could barely understand he cries and pleas as I place my hand on hers.

"I-it's ok... Mia Bella... I-I love... you." I stuttered out just before the darkness took over.

Laura's POV

Once he said he loved me I could feel the mate bond start to slip away. Steven finally made it to me and began screaming orders as they rushed him to the hospital. They rushed him into the back and I felt myself begin to shut down. The bond was slowly slipping and I felt as if my heart was in a vice. I began hyperventilating and pretty soon I felt weightless as I collapsed to the floor.

I woke up with the sun peaking through the shade of the hospital room. I quickly jumped up and began ripping the IV and wires out as I went to search for Fin. Nurses rushed in when they heard the heart monitor going off as I ripped it from my chest. It wasn't until Steven came in that I stopped dead in my tracks.

"W-what happened? W-where's Fin?" I demanded as I felt my chest tighten again.

"Laura please sit down and relax you have been through a lot and I need to discuss somethings with you." Steven said softly as he motioned for everyone to leave the room.

"Where's Fin, Steven? I-I can't feel the bond anymore I need to know." I begged as tears began streaming down my face.

He sighed before he answered me. "Fin is in a coma, we aren't sure he will ever wake up but I have hope. There is a more important matter I need to talk to you about though."

"No! He has to wake up I can't do this without him!" I cried out as Steven wrapped his arms around me.

"I am sure he will we just have to wait and see. He lost a lot of blood and the knife grazed his heart. It was made of silver so it's making the healing process slower but I believe he will wake up. But Laura, I don't know how else to tell you but you are pregnant."

"W-what?! T-that's not possible you all said it wouldn't be possible?!" I shouted confused and scared.

"There was a very slim chance we didn't think it would be possible either but you are pregnant. About 8 weeks to be exact and the babies are healthy and strong."

"Wait! You mean I'm having twins again? How risky is this Steven?" I was terrified and if Fin didn't wake up I don't know how I could manage raising two sets of twins and ruling by myself.

"Yes Laura you are having twins again and the risks are higher but you will have to be on bedrest and be monitored closely. I have no doubt that if you follow everything we tell you that both babies and you will be fine. We are slightly concerned about one of the babies as it is smaller than the other but hopefully over time it will grow just as well." He said while placing a comforting hand on mine.

We talked more about everything from my diet to what to expect when I see Fin and how ruling should go. Seeing Fin was hard and I broke down even more but when I held his hand I could feel the bond a little. As the days passed the bond got stronger and after three long weeks he finally woke up.

The next several months flew by and everything was going well with the pregnancy. We had killed almost all the Tonrar and managed to seal the cove with the help of Celeste. Steven was a bit concerned with one of the babies since it was still smaller then the other. I was nearing my due date and when they arrived it was intense. The smaller one which turned out to be a girl had to be rushed to the NICU since her lungs were struggling. The other baby, who was ironically a boy was much bigger and stronger then her, was able to stay with us and go home when they released me.

The girl had a 50/50 chance and we stayed by her side as much as we could. She surprised us all and exceeded expectations in a a matter of weeks and was finally able to come home.

We named the boy Allister Hank and we named the girl Mira Jane since she was our little miracle and to honor my father and mother. We found out that my mother had passed away during the battle when she protected Jaeger and Layla from one of the Tonrar. The next few years went by pretty smoothly with only a few more battles between people trying to kidnap our children or kill us but they soon learned that we were not going anywhere and no one would get near our children as long as we were still breathing.

On Allister and Mira's third birthday we got a visit from Celeste. She dropped a bomb none of us were expecting.

"Your daughter here is very special, I had a vision showing me the future and she is going to have a very difficult road and choice to make. She will determine the future for all mermaid kind and if she is not properly trained she may lead to the destruction of all that we know. She has inherited your power bursts but they are much stronger and more dangerous. She also has the ability to control water and she must be protected at all costs. If she is to fall into the wrong hands death will become to all." Celeste told us as we stood there shocked and worried for our miracle child.

Her story was just beginning and she was either going to be the miracle our world needed or a curse that would destroy all.

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