Chapter 15: Suprises

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Everything went rather smoothly after the ball and we returned back to Lucian the following day. I told Fin about seeing Mr. Gold there and he sent word out to a few local mermaids to keep an eye on him. We still weren't sure what supernatural being he was but we didn't want to take any chances.

I even learned how to channel my energy and use it like I did at the ball. We figured out it must be another power I posses and I have been practicing with it ever since we got home.

Weeks went by without any incidents which was quiet a relief for everyone. Fin and I were handling being King and Queen very well and had handled many big issues that were resolved quickly and peacefully. As everything seemed to start falling into place we got our first of many surprises. I woke up abruptly as I rushed into the bathroom puking my brains out.

"Laura is everything alright?" Fin sounded super concerned on the other side of the door as I heaved once again.

"I'm fine. Don't come in here, I think the sushi I ate last night was bad." I said as I continued emptying the contents of my stomach into the porcelain throne.

Fin rushed in not listening to my protests and held my hair while rubbing my back. After a few more minutes my stomach was finally empty and my throat burned. Fin picked me up and placed me back on the bed as he went and got a glass of water for me.

"I'm going to cancel our meetings for today so you can rest and I can be here to watch you." Fin said his voice full of concern.

"No Fin I'm alright. You go to our meetings and you can send Anna and Olivia over to watch me. I'm sure I will be good as new later it was just some bad sushi." I pleaded not wanting to disappoint the mermaids since we were still newly royal.

"Alright but you all better call me if you get worse or need anything and I'll be back here as fast as I can." He said understanding my concern as he linked Olivia to get Anna and come over.

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead before he left just as the girls arrived. They came in with a concerned look as I rushed to the bathroom to throw up the piece of toast I had just eaten before Fin left.

"Queen Laura are you sure you are alright? I can call the pack doctor if you would like." Anna called out from the other side of the door.

"Yea I'm fine the sushi I had last night was probably bad that's all." I said trying not to worry anyone.

Brushing my teeth trying to get the taste of stomach acid out of my mouth I made my way to the living room where the girls were. Olivia was making tea and Anna was sitting on the couch with a worried look.

"Here drink this it will help settle your stomach" Olivia said as she handed me a couple of ginger tea.

"Thank you" I spoke as I sat down next to Anna.

Anna looked at me very worried before she said, "You know mermaids don't get sick very easily are you sure you don't want me to call the doctor?"

"No I'll be fine trust me." I said as I took another sip of the soothing tea.

"Well you better be we have the big meeting With King Talon and King Johnathan tomorrow and you cannot miss it." Olivia joked trying to lighten the mood.

My eyes grew wide at the sudden realization. "Wait that's tomorrow?"

Both girls just nodded looking at me with question.

"Olivia I have a rather weird and personal question. Do mermaids get periods?" I asked while my hands began to shake.

"Of course we do. They only last for a day though why do you ask?" She spoke nonchalantly.

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