23. End

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"... oh my God."

I took a step closer to Aleks and hugged him. Like, really hugged him. My arms wrapped around his shoulders and my head fit between the crook if his neck. He stiffened before relaxing and embracing me back.

My voice was slightly muffled because my face was pressed firmly against his shoulder, but I knew he could hear me.

"That's what the Tiffany thing is?"

It was all so surreal. Kevin was... nice. He gave everyone smiles, treated everyone politely and with kindness and almost always tried to make sure nobody was left out.

And then Aleks tells me he kisses Tiffany just barely days after they break up. I'm going to ignore that we went behind his back but that was a cruel thing of Kevin to do. I breathed in Aleks' smell.

Not that I'm one to speak.

We let go of each other, eyes locked together. He smiles, though his eyes are still hurting. I smile back.

"Sparky... I'm sorry. I should've told you before, but..."

"Aleks, it's okay."

I smiled despite the situation. His eyes, again shining with the universe of emotions he concealed from the rest of the world, were staring at my eyes with instensity I've never seen before.

"It's okay."

We kissed once more, then held hands and walked to my car.

"You know what, Sparky? I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I blushed.

"I wouldn't mind that."

We kissed once more, then I started the car.

"Where are we going?"

I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel a few times before slowly driving out, hearing the gravel crunch beneath the wheels.


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