20. Calling Back

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My fingers were shaking as they hovered over Aleks' contact name. His number was just a random jumble I was familiar with.

I'd probably texted and called him more than I have with Kevin.

Because you love him.

But you also love Kevin, don't you?

Trying my best to ignore the voices in my head, I called Aleks. I know I'm not supposed to talk on the phone wile driving, but this is important.

He answered on the first ring.

"Sparky! Shit, how many times did I call you?"

"I'm sorry."

"Oh my God, you're scaring everyone! Kevin almost cried; Kevin doesn't cry!"

"You called Joell?"

"Kevin did, after I told him to. Christ, what happened to you? Are you okay? What got into you? You took off for no reason, what happened to asking me to drive you home?"

"Does Kevin know?"

"No... but you already know he's suspicious!"

I could hear the irritation in his voice, even through my temporary crappy phone. I knew he was annoyed that I kept ignoring his questions and his frantic rants. Just straight forward lay asking him questions in a rude manner. But if I break down, I'll cry. And I'm not crying, not anymore.

"Aleks, I'm sorry. I love you."

For a moment, all I heard was the silent crackling noises on the other end of the phone call.

"I love you too. I'm texting, no, calling Kevin now."

"Shit, don't. I was just about to."

"Oh, okay."



"I need you to go to... well you know where."

"Where- oh. Why?"

"Just please."


He hung up without even saying bye. Whatever. I called Kevin. He answered at the second ring.




I winced. He was surprisingly loud.

"I'm okay,"

"Are you okay?" We said at the same time. I giggled despite everything.

"I'm okay."

"Oh... what happened?? You weren't answering your calls, texts, I even tried to get Joell and your friends to talk to you! Are you freaking crazy? I almost cried because I got scared."

"I'm sorry, Kevin."

"Dammit, Sparky. Then I was going to call your mom, but then I remembered I don't have her number, neither do I know anyone who does and-"

"I love you, Kevin."


"I don't know how to respond."

"I love you-"

"And what is up with you and Aleks? I saw you two leaving before the party ended. But I called and he said you took off for no reason. Is there anything you can say to me, to him?" Then, a moment later, "anything you want to tell us?"

"Yes. But not over the phone. Do you know Aleks's secret hideout."

"That shitty abandoned playground he goes to when he goes all emo? Um, yeah."

"Be there. I have something very important to say."

"Sparky, why the fuck would I-"


"Okay, I'll be there."

"Thank you."

After the call ended, I shoved my phone back into my purse. My knuckles turned white because they were gripping the steering wheel so tightly. I'm almost there, and I'll probably have to wait for Aleks and Kevin to come.

But, no matter. I've got important things to do, to say, to clear.

Call Me Weird (ImmortalHD and GoldenBlackHawk Love Triangle Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now