Halloween special

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You scanned over the multiple images of monsters while Uran worked on her outfit for Halloween. You bit the inside of your lip and sighed.

"What should I dress up as? A bloody ghoul? A man eating monster? A wolf? What do you think, Uran?" You questioned as you turned towards her. Uran  glanced up at you and hummed in thought.

"Hmm, oh! I know! Why not dress up as a zombie?" Uran suggested. You grinned and stood up.

"Perfect! I'm gonna get ready right now!" You exclaimed as you ran off towards your closet. Uran  giggled and finished her costume. She was going to be a witch! You shredded some clothes apart and ripped off your dress. You then proceeded to drench yourself in green paint then added some other colours to make it look like your skin was a pale green. You then added fake blood and wounds to your body. Finally, you slipped on a ripped dress and ruffled your hair so that it looked messy. Once you were done, you walked towards the mirror and smiled at your handiwork. Uran walked towards you in her witch outfit and smiled.

"Woah, you look so cool, Y/N!" Uran exclaimed. You grinned.

"Of course I do! Oh boy I can't wait to scare that fat pig!" You exclaimed as you rushed towards the door. The door then opened to reveal Astro who was dressed as a vampire. Astro smiled and waved.

"Hey guys!" Astro then looked you up and down and smiled. "Woah, Y/N, you look great!" Astro complimented. You dead panned at him. You then looked him up and down and frowned.

"Weak. Vampires are so weak!" You yelled as you pushed passed him. Astro frowned and followed behind you.

"They are not! Vampires have super human strength and they're fast blood sucking monsters. They're much stronger than a zombie." Astro argued. You frowned at him. You then cracked your knuckles and smirked.

"Then how about we test that theory?" You questioned as you moved towards Astro. Astro held up his hands and shook his head

"Nope, I'm good. I'd rather just go trick-or-treating." Astro stated. You frowned.

"Boring. Well, let's go then!" You yelled as you snatched Astro's hand in yours and dashed out of the building. Uran huffed and hurried after the two of you.

"Hey, wait for me!" Uran cried.


You walked through the streets confidently as you, Astro and Uran went to meet up with the others in the park. Soon enough, you saw your friends wearing costumes and waving to you. You gave a small wave back and walked up to them.

"Hey guys." You greeted. Mindy smiled and ran up to you and hugged you.

"Y/N! You look great!" Mindy exclaimed. You smiled slightly and laughed.

"Of course I do! After all, I'm Y/N, the master of disguise!" You exclaimed. You then heard a snicker and your eye twitched. You then turned towards Alvin and scowled at him. "You got somethin you wanna say, fatty?" Alvin frowned at you for the insult and he huffed.

"Actually, yeah! You act all tough but in reality I bet you're a wuss!" Alvin yelled. You lit your fist on fire and sneered at him.

"You're joking, right? I am one of the universe's strongest robots. Not even Astro could beat me! I could destroy all of humanity if I so wished!" You yelled, proud of what you are. Astro sighed. He was so glad that you were on his side. Alvin burst out laughing and crossed his arms.

"So, you're proud of being a monster?" Everyone gasped and Kenneth flicked Alvin on the head.

"Alvin! That's going too far!" Kenneth scolded. You smiled smugly.

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