Saying goodbye

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AN: Hello my dear readers! I'm sorry about the last paragraph of the last chapter, I was so tired! I was literally falling asleep while typing the last bit. I then smacked myself to keep going and pretty much just uploaded the chapter without even reading the last bit to see if it made any sense XD. So, I had a look this morning and saw that one sentence didn't make sense. He got hit on XD I found that funny. Anyway, sorry about that. Now, onto the story! Enjoy!

Tobio hugged his body as it started to glow. His eyes then widened when chains slithered up his body and clung onto him like markings. Tobio looked around and saw that he was on top of a magic circle. He then gasped. He recognised this feeling! Oh no, he was about to be sealed back into that blasted pendant! Tobio growled and struggled to stand up.

"No, I won't be sealed again! I refuse to be trapped in there, I WILL destroy the alpha timelines! They will PERISH!" Tobio cried. "I WI-" Tobio's words were cut off when his entire being was sucked into the white pendant. Verse and Onyx sighed in relief. Verse then walked over to the white diamond's pendant which lay there on the ground and picked it up. He put the necklace around his neck and turned towards everyone.

"He's sealed back into the pendant, for good this time." Verse told. He then looked over at Dark and frowned. "I'm not sure what to do about him though." Onyx walked up to Verse and looked over at Dark.

"Maybe...we should help him." Onyx suggested. Verse frowned. You frowned at the scene. You then saw Zombie get up and run at you all. You sighed and grabbed him. You then trapped him in a head lock.

"Don't ruin the moment." You growled out at Zombie. Zombie struggled to get out of the head lock. You then turned towards Verse and Onyx. "Why are we so depressing? We should be celebrating! We won, didn't we?" You told. Everyone turned towards you and smiled. Pandemonium then nodded.

"Yeah, we should be celebrating!" Pandemonium exclaimed. Verse smiled at you all. He then turned towards Onyx and nodded.

"Yes, but before that. We need to return everything back to normal. Are you ready, Onyx?" Verse questioned. Onyx nodded and held out her pendant as Verse held out his. They then started glowing and the green lightning in the sky started to disappear as well as the clouds. You all looked around in awe. You then looked down at Zombie and Sapphire.

"Wait." You told. Verse and Onyx stopped what they were doing and gave you a confused look.

"What is it?" Verse questioned. You held Zombie by the ear.

"We should help them. The other Astros and Y/Ns. They're literally falling apart." The moment you said that, Zombie's ear fell off and he dropped to the ground. You then pinned him down with your foot. "Sapphire should be sent back to her timeline the way she is now, but I don't reckon that Zombie should go back to his. I mean, look at him. He's all broken and he's done nothing to deserve it." You explained. Everyone stared at you with wide eyes. You frowned. "What?" Pandemonium shook his head.

"Wow, I would have never thought that you could be so kind." Pandemonium told. A tick mark appeared on your head.

"Wanna say that again pervert!?" You shouted. Pandemonium sighed and shrugged.

"But you're nothing compared to MY Y/N." Pandemonium told. You growled and clenched your fists. Robot then rested his hand on your shoulder and looked at Pandemonium.

"I'd have to say otherwise. Y/N is a great person. I think she's the best Y/N out of them all." Robot told. You tsked and turned away from him as a light blush dusted across your cheeks. Pandemonium frowned. He was then about to retaliate when Pandora rested her hand on his shoulder.

"Astro, calm down. Let's just enjoy our victory." Pandora told. Pandemonium sighed and nodded. Atom clenched his fists.

"Hey, can we just hurry up and set everything back to normal? I'm not sure how long my Y/N can hold keeping our timeline together." Atom told. Verse nodded. He and Onyx then turned to each other and held out their pendants and closed their eyes. You all turned to each other and smiled. Heart then sniffled.

The Robotic Heart (Astro boy x robot reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin