The play of love

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All scenes that required for you and Astro to kiss went on like this. You would turn your head slightly, causing Astro to kiss your cheek. It was now two days before the play and you and Astro STILL couldn't get it right. You sat down in a chair and sighed. Mindy walked up to you, dressed up as an old maid.

"Tired?" You nodded. You then looked down at your outfit. You were currently wearing a red and gold gown with your hair done up into a bun. A red cap was placed over it. You felt ridiculous!

"I'm not surprised, we've been at this for almost three weeks." Astro told as he stood beside you. You looked up at him and started to snicker. He currently wore blue tights with a blue vest and a white under shirt with frills at the cuffs. Astro's hair had prevented him from wearing the hat, so he had to do without it.

"You look ridiculous." You commented. Astro frowned.

"I would say the same to you but you look good in anything that you wear." You frowned. Dammit, he was trying to woo you again. Mindy giggled. You rolled your eyes and rested your chin on your hand.

"Seriously, what's with you?" You muttered. Astro smiled at you. He then heard Daddy Walrus call him on for a scene and ran to him. You still remembered when you first got the outfits.


A week earlier.

You stared at the dress with wide eyes. You then shook your head.

"No, no way, I'm NOT getting into that thing!" You cried. You then turned around and tried to jump out the window but Daddy Walrus had run up and used his arm to knock you on your back. Astro then walked over to you and picked you up. He then threw you over his shoulders and walked into another room with a few girls. You struggled and hit him with your fist. "Let me go! I'm NOT getting into that thing!" You cried. Astro put you down and held you down as the girls started to undress you. Your eyes widened. "H-hey! Stop! Don't you dare!" Astro smiled at you.

"Don't worry, it'll be over soon." You growled at him.

"Well at least cover your eyes!" You shouted as you ripped your arm out of his grip and slapped him on the eyes. Astro raised his eyebrow at you.

"But I've already seen you naked." You growled as a blush was spread across your cheeks.

"I was practically a child back then!" You shouted. By then, all of your clothes had been taken off and the girls had forced you into the dress. Once they were done, Astro let you go. You got away from him and looked down at yourself. You then groaned. Astro looked you up and down and smiled.

"You look good! In fact, you like terrific!" Astro exclaimed. He then smiled lovingly at you. You rolled your eyes.

"Ugh, whatever!" You shouted.


You blushed at the memory. Dammit, he was so annoying! You then saw Daddy Walrus turn towards you.

"Come on now Y/N, you're needed in the next scene." You sighed and got up.


You frowned as you peeked out from the curtains. There were so many people! You scanned the crowd and saw Astro's family and Dr Elephan. Your stomache churned. You then looked to the stage and saw Astro, Kenneth and Theodore on stage with a few other boys. It was currently Act 1 scene 4. The party scene was about to go on. You then saw the lights dim and knew that this was your cue to go on stage. You along with a few other girls went on stage. You and Mindy then turned towards each other and pretended to talk as the lights went back on. Astro, Kenneth and Theodore then conversed. Alvin then walked onto the stage and pointed at Astro while ranting on about him to another student who was playing as Capulet. Astro then turned towards you and your heart jumped. He then looked to another student, asking about who you were. He then walked towards you. In the audience, Uran held Y/N Jr's fish bowl while both she and Y/N Jr watched in excitement. Astro then took hold of your hand and turned you towards him. He then started to say his lines. You froze. Astro then stopped and waited for you to say your lines. When you didn't say anything, Astro gave you an encouraging look. You jolted and nodded.

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