Lost love

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Astro stared at Nikki in shock. She was here, but how? Astro wanted to run up to her and hug her so badly but he couldn't. He glared at Alfonze.

"What game are you playing at here!? You think that you can trick me into handing Y/N over to you by using a fake!?" Astro questioned. Nikki's eyes widened. She then looked to the side, a hurt expression written across her face. Alfonze chuckled.

"Oh, I can assure you that she is indeed real. I rebuilt her from scratch and have even gone to the effort to retrieve her old memories. You should be thanking me. I brought back the one that you love." Astro trembled as Nikki took a few steps towards Astro.

"He's right, I have all of my memories. Including the ones of how Dr Rindolf stole your own design to create me. Oh, how I've missed you so." Nikki told. Astro's eyes widened. He then glanced down at you.

"B-but, what about Y/N?" Astro questioned. Alfonze smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her. I'll make sure to erase the monster trapping her and to recreate her body. She'll then return to being the sweet innocent Y/N that I've always loved." Astro frowned. He then felt Nikki rest her hand on his shoulder and give him the sweetest smile that he's ever seen. Astro smiled at her touch. He then looked at you again. If he gave you to Alfonze, he said that he'd try to bring Y/N back. Plus, he'd also get Nikki back. Astro sighed. He considered giving you to Alfonze when a thought hit him. Suddenly, a memory of you appeared in his head.

'You huffed and crossed your arms.

"Well let me tell you this. That human girl and I, we're completely different people. I'm a robot, and she's a human. I'm just the vessel that protects her heart, it's not like she's actually conscious or anything." You explained.'

Astro's eyes widened. That's right, you were completely different people! If he handed you over to Alfonze, then you'd get destroyed! Astro gritted his teeth and stood up with you in his arms. He then smiled sadly at Nikki.

"I'm sorry, Nikki. I know that I loved you, and I still do! But, Y/N is very important to me too, and I can't just let her die like that." Astro then looked up at Alfonze. "I decline your offer! Y/N is more important to me than anyone!" Astro shouted. Nikki gave him a hurt look. She then sighed and stood up. Suddenly, her eyes turned red. Astro gasped and jumped back with you in his arms. Alfonze tsked and stood up.

"Well, I guess we know how you really feel. I thought that by making a replica of that girl you liked would've worked, but sadly it didn't. Nikki, kill him." Alfonze ordered. Nikki nodded and charged at Astro. Astro gasped and dodged her attacks. He should have known! She WAS a fake! Astro growled and kicked her away. He winced. He hated seeing her hurt, but he had no choice. He had to remember that girl wasn't Nikki. Nikki was long gone. Astro's eyes then widened when Nikki's hand turned into a canon and she aimed a fire beam at Astro. On instinct, Astro took out his own laser beam and fired it at her just as Nikki fired hers. Their beams mixed with each other and was reflected. Astro gasped and dodged the beam. Nikki's eyes widened as the beam hit her in the chest, destroying her. Astro's eyes widened.

"NIKKI!" Astro cried as he ran over to her. He then looked over her and looked down in sadness. Astro gritted his teeth and glared at Alfonze. "You, do you really think that this is what Y/N would want!? Tell me, what did you do to Y/N!?" Astro shouted. Alfonze clenched his fists.

"Like I said before, she's only asleep. And she'll remain that way until the bug inside of her eats away at her very existence until Y/N is all that is left. The monster shall remain no more!" Astro growled and stood up. He then pointed his laser at Alfonze. Alfonze's eyes widened. Astro sighed and put his hand down. He then felt the air ship shake and saw that the beam he had fired before caused the ship to go down. Astro then saw all of the staff on the ship running around in panic. Astro looked down at you in his arms. He couldn't save everyone here while holding you. He put you down and glared up at Alfonze.

"Don't you DARE touch her." Astro then got up and flew off the air ship. He swung around and flew under the air ship. He then slowed down the falling. Alfonze stared at you. He walked over to you and leaned down towards you. He reached out to touch you when Astro's words rang through his head. He frowned and shook his head. Y/N was HIS! Not that stupid robot's! Alfonze picked you up and carried you off somewhere. Astro helped the air ship land safely and ran back into the air ship to find that you and Alfonze were gone. Astro's eyes widened. He then growled and chased after Alfonze. Alfonze was in his office when Astro burst down his door. "Alfonze! Why you-"

"She looks so peaceful." Alfonze's words stopped Astro in his tracks. He then gave Alfonze a confused look. Alfonze sighed. "I remember, when I first met her. She really did act like a monster. She wouldn't even respond to reason. But now that I look at her, she seems more human than before. Is it...because of you?" Alfonze questioned as he turned towards Astro. Astro frowned. Alfonze sighed and held you out to him. "I've grown old, and I'm sure that Y/N must be long gone by now. Here, you can take all that's left of her." Astro walked forwards and took you into his arms. He then smiled at Alfonze.

"I know that things are hard at the moment, but you've managed to help so many people! I'm sure that Y/N would have been proud of you." Alfonze smiled sadly at Astro. Astro smiled at him. "Now, I think you better book it before the police arrive." Alfonze shook his head.

"No, I'll commit to my crimes and pay the consequences. You're the one who needs to hurry. The bug is slowly eating away at that mon- er, Y/N's consciousness." Astro's eyes widened.

"You're right! I'm sorry, I hope that we meet again!" Astro shouted before flying off towards the ministry of science at top speed. When he reached the ministry of science, Astro burst through the door to Dr Elephan's office, surprising him. Dr Elephan gave Astro a shocked look.

"Astro!? Y-you're here!" Dr Elephan then saw you in his arms and his eyes widened. He then frowned. "Lay her down on the bench and tell me what happened." Astro nodded and laid you down on the work bench. He then turned towards Dr Elephan.

"Y/N has some type of bug inside her that will destroy her if we don't get rid of it!" Astro cried. Dr Elephan frowned.

"So, she has a virus inside of her?" Astro nodded. Dr Elephan walked over to you and connected some wires to you. He then went onto the computer and typed some things in. Astro walked over to you and held your hand. He then frowned. This reminded him of when he had to say goodbye to Nikki. Astro shook his head of the memory and gripped your hand tightly. Dr Elephan frowned. "This virus, it's nothing like I've ever seen before! Astro, this type of virus can't be destroyed automatically. We'll have to get rid of it manually." Astro gave Dr Elephan a confused look.

"Manually? But how?" Astro questioned. Dr Elephan hummed in thought. His eyes then widened as an idea came to him.

"I've got it! Astro, YOU can go inside of Y/N's data base and destroy the virus! All we have to do is connect your brains together!" Dr Elephan exclaimed. Astro's eyes widened and he smiled.

"That's a great idea!" Dr Elephan nodded.

"Okay, then lie down next to her on the bench." Astro nodded and lied down next to you on the work bench as Dr Elephan readied some wires. He then connected the wires to him as Astro held your hand. He then closed his eyes as Dr Elephan connected both of your brains.

"Hold on Y/N, I'm coming to rescue you." Astro muttered before all went black.

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