An unknown danger

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Astro tied his scarf around his neck as his mother tied Uran's scarf around her neck. Astro and Uran then walked towards the front door and waved to their parents.

"Bye mom, by dad." Astro said. His parents waved back to him and Uran as they both left the house. Uran huffed and crossed her arms as she and Astro walked along the foot path.

"It's unfair, you don't have to go to school on the weekend. Why do I have to?" Uran questioned as the snow under her feet crunched. Astro chuckled.

"Because I go to a normal school. You're doing lessons." Astro told. Uran rolled her eyes.

"So? Can't I tag along with you to see that girl?" Uran pleaded. Astro frowned.

"No Uran, you have to go to your lessons." Uran pouted.

"Aw, but I want to meet her! I mean, you're always going to visit her. It's as if you've forgotten about your little sister." Uran told as she huffed and turned away from Astro. Astro smiled at her.

"Aw, Uran you know that I could never forget about you. It's just that I don't think that Y/N's ready to meet other people formally yet." Uran raised her eyebrow at her brother.

"So, her name is Y/N? That's an odd name for a robot." Astro chuckled.

"Well, she's not like other robots. She's special. She's the only one of her kind." Astro told. Uran frowned.

"But we're special too, so why is she getting such wonderful treatment?" Uran questioned. Astro hummed in thought.

"Well, uh," Uran scoffed.

"You don't even know. Now I want to meet her. Come on, please?" Uran begged. Astro sweat dropped. He then sighed.

"Okay, but just this once! They you have to go to your lesson, understood?" Uran smiled and nodded her head. Astro then picked her up and flew towards the ministry of science. Astro then landed on the ground and put Uran down. He then walked into the ministry of science with Uran following behind him.


You sat in your room reading a manga when you heard the door open. You turned your head to see Astro and a young girl walk in. You raised your eyebrow at him as Astro frowned. He then looked around and took off his scarf.

"Hey Y/N, why is it so hot in here?" Astro questioned as Uran took off her scarf and jacket. Even though they were both robots, it seemed that they could still be affected by the temperature. You turned back to your manga.

"I don't deal well with the cold." You stated. Astro opened his mouth in realisation.

"Oh, it's because you're a fire robot, right?" Astro questioned. You nodded. You then turned to Uran.

"Who's that?" You questioned. Astro smiled and turned towards Uran.

"This is Uran, my little sister. Uran, this is Y/N." Astro introduced. Uran walked up to you and stared at you in curiosity. You raised your eyebrow at her and looked her up and down. Suddenly, Uran reached forwards and poked your cheek. Your eyes widened as she snatched her hand back, her eyes wide. She then reached forwards and pulled on your cheeks. Astro gasped and ran over to Uran and pulled her away before you could kick her. "Uran! You don't just do that!" You sneered at her and jumped behind the couch and started hissing at her.

"God, she's worse than you! Keep her away from me!" You shouted. Astro gave you an apologetic look while Uran huffed and crossed her arms.

"Why do you hang around that girl? She's a meanie." A tick mark appeared on your head. Before you could comment Astro budded in.

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