The tale of two guardians

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You all stared at Verse with wide eyes. Robot then raised his eyebrow.

"You want our help?" Verse nodded. You looked at his appearance. He was dressed so weirdly! He wore brown shorts and a brown vest with a white under shirt. Around his neck, he wore a brown scarf. He then wore his cloak around his waist. You walked up to him and circled him.

"He's dressed so weirdly." You commented. Verse sweat dropped. Robot pulled you back and looked at Verse.

"So, what did you want our help with?" Verse smiled.

"I need your help with saving all of the universes. I know what's causing all this." Pandora stepped forwards.

"Tell us then." Verse nodded.

"Yeah, it's actually another version of me. Another Astro is doing this." Everyone gasped. An Astro was doing this!? You then grabbed Verse by the scarf and held him up.

"You better not be lying to us! What makes you think that an Astro is doing this?" You growled. Verse gulped.

"W-well, because he and I are from the same timeline!" Pandora's eyes widened.

"No, that's impossible. There can't be two Astros in one timeline!" Pandora cried. You put down Verse and watched as he readjusted his scarf. He then glanced at Pandora.

"Yes, I know that. But it's different in my universe." Assassin frowned and stepped forwards.

"Tell us, what timeline are you from? Exactly what happened in your universe?" Verse clenched his fists and turned away. He then took out a pendant. Pandora and Pandemonium gasped. The pendant was white.

"You, have a pendant!? That's..." Pandora's eyes then lit up red and her attitude then changed to a calm demeanour. "That's the white diamond pendant. How did you find it?" Verse nodded.

"In my universe, we possess two pendants. The white diamond pendant and the black onyx pendant. The Astro that caused this, he has the onyx pendant in his grasp." Pandora frowned.

"If he has the onyx pendant, then he must also have..." Verse nodded.

"Yes, he also has my Y/N. She plays the part as the contractor of the onyx pendant." Pandemonium's eyes widened.

"No way, so he's keeping your Y/N held captive?" Verse nodded.

"Yes, but he's somehow managed to take control of her mind." Big sis hummed in thought.

"Pendants, contracts, I think you have a lot of explaining to do." Verse nodded.

"Yes, you all might want to get comfortable, this is a long story."

'Astro stared out at metro city from a hill that overlooked the entire city. He then breathed in the air and smiled.

"Astro!" Astro's eyes widened and he turned to see a girl with H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes wearing a long sleeved shirt and shorts with belts around her waists and arms with knee high black boots running towards him. (Basically the picture above, done by me.) Astro smiled and waved as the pendant around her neck swung as she jogged up to him. Astro's pendant glistened in the sunlight as the girl sat next to him.

"Hey Y/N." Astro greeted. Y/N grinned at him. She then looked over at the city.

"So, what are you doing?" Y/N questioned. Astro leaned his back against the cherry tree and closed his eyes.

"I was just enjoying some solitude." Y/N covered her mouth.

"Oh! I guess I ruined that, huh." Astro's eyes snapped open and he sat up.

The Robotic Heart (Astro boy x robot reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz