A day of the life as a hero

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You sighed as you stared out the window of your room, watching the water droplets trickle down the glass panel of the window. It was currently raining, meaning that you couldn't go outside. You sat back and continued to stare out the window. You were so bored. You sighed and stood up. You then walked out of your room and walked towards You sat back and continued to stare out the window. You were so bored. You sighed and stood up. You then walked out of your room and walked towards Dr Elephan's office. You opened the door and saw him working away at his desk. You walked up to him and kicked the desk, gaining his attention. Dr Elephan sighed and looked up at you.

"Yes, Y/N?" Dr Elephan questioned.

"Is Astro back yet?" You questioned. Dr Elephan shook his head.

"No, not yet." You frowned and sat down on a chair.

"Geez, he's been gone for more than a week! How long does it take to complete one lousy assignment?" You questioned. Dr Elephan frowned.

"Y/N, things take time. You'll have to be patient." Dr Elephan told. He then smiled at you. "Do you miss him?" You gave Dr Elephan a bewildered look.

"W-what!? No! I'm just bored is all!" You cried. Dr Elephan chuckled.

"Well you'll have to be bored somewhere else. I am very busy at the moment." You frowned and stood up.

"How come only Astro gets missions?" Dr Elephan glanced up at you.

"Well, Astro is reliable. So, we ask him to help us with certain tasks, to sort out certain incidents. In fact, when he first met you it was because of an assignment." You raised your eyebrow at Dr Elephan.

"Let me guess, his mission was to bring me back?" Dr Elephan shook his head.

"No, his original mission was to destroy you. You were a threat to humanity so Astro was given specific orders to kill you. But, he ended up bringing you to our side." Your eyes widened. You then shrugged.

"Actually, that makes more sense. It's just like Astro not to kill someone." You muttered. You then leaned onto Dr Elephan's desk. "I want to do a mission." Dr Elephan's eyes widened.

"YOU want to do a mission!?" You nodded. Dr Elephan frowned and looked to the side. "Uh, well, we don't really have anything that would suit you." You frowned at this.

"Oh, come on! There's got to be SOMETHING for me to do!" You urged. Dr Elephan was about to say no when his screen turned on. Dr Elephan and you looked at the screen. Tawashi's face was then seen.

"Elephan! We need Astro, Skunk is on the loose!" Tawashi yelled. Dr Elephan's eyes widened.

"But Astro is away on a mission! There's nobody that I can-" Dr Elephan froze. He then glanced at you and sighed. "I'll send somebody right away." Dr Elephan then turned off the screen and turned towards you. "Skunk is on the loose, and we need someone to go after him. So..." You grinned and nodded.

"Just leave it to me!" You exclaimed.


You flew through the rain with a rain coat over your body. You were glad that technology had progressed so far as to create raincoats with a force field around it, protecting you from the rain. You heard your communicator go off and looked at it. Dr Elephan's face appeared.

"Y/N, Skunk should be close by. You have to stop him." Dr Elephan told. You nodded and closed your eyes. You then used your sensors to scan the area for Skunk. Once you found his presence, you then flew towards his location. Skunk and his goons grinned as they drove away from the police. They then gasped when the front of their car was crushed into the ground, causing them to hit their heads against the washboard. You gripped the car and stared at Skunk as he held his head in pain. You then saw that a trickle of blood rolled down his head and saw him pass out. You smirked and watched as the police flew down next to you. You then saw Tawashi rush out of his car and hit you on the back of your head.

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