The AU of the dead

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AN: Hello my dear readers! No fanfiction was used in this. Just another random AU that I made up. Enjoy!

"Oh no....what should I do....?" You frowned and opened your eyes. You then groaned and held your head. You then heard someone gasp and turn towards you. "You're awake!" You looked up to see Pandemonium fiddling with his hands nervously. He then ran over to you and gripped you by the shoulders. "Tell me, do you have telepathic powers to speak to the other Y/Ns!?" You looked at Pandemonium as if he was crazy and smacked his hands away from you.

"No, I don't. What happened anyway?" You questioned. A look of distress crossed Pandemonium's face and he looked around. You stood up and stretched your back. You then looked around and saw that you were in a room with the windows boarded up. You raised your eyebrow and went to open the door when Pandemonium gasped and pulled you back.

"Wait! Don't go out there, it's not safe." You gave Pandemonium a confused look. You then crossed your arms.

"Mind telling me what happened?" Pandemonium nodded.

"I don't know exactly what happened, but Onyx had used her powers to send us to another dimension. When I came to, we were in the middle of a city that was in ruins. And there were these...things surrounding us. They left us alone, but they didn't look human. You were the only one around that I saw and I carried you in here." Pandemonium explained. You raised your eyebrow.

"So, we've been separated from the others?" Pandemonium nodded. Your eyes widened. "Oh no, why did I have to get stuck with YOU of all people!?" You cried. Pandemonium frowned and covered your mouth.

"Shhhh, noise attracts those things. We have to be quiet. And I'm not exactly thrilled to be stuck with you either. We have to find Pandora!" You nodded. You then raised your eyebrow at Astro.

"Um, what about the others?" Pandemonium nodded.

"Yeah, them too." You sighed and turned towards the door. You then opened it slightly and your eyes widened at the scene that you saw. You saw humans walking around except...they were all injured. In fact, they didn't even look alive. The city looked broken and the skies were dark. You closed the door and looked at Pandemonium who had a look of horror on his face.

"What happened to those humans?" You questioned. Pandemonium clenched his fists.

"I-I think we were taken to a timeline where there's...a zombie apocalypse." You raised your eye brow at him.

"What's a zombie apocalypse?" Pandemonium's eyes widened.

"You don't know what a zombie apocalypse is!?" Pandemonium then sighed. Why did he have to get stuck with the hot-headed idiot?


Scarlet peeked out the window as Pandora and Y/N sat down on some chairs. Pandora and Y/N were currently thinking up of a nickname for Y/N. Y/N hummed in thought. Her eyes then widened as an idea came to her.

"Ooh! How about heart?" Pandora hummed in thought.

"Hmm, that seems good. Heart it is." Heart smiled and turned towards Scarlet.

"How is it outside?" Scarlet frowned.

"They're still out there. We need to find the others." Scarlet informed. Pandora nodded.

"Yeah, it was good that you woke up before those things out there caught us."  Scarlet nodded and wiped the blood off her blade. Heart frowned.

"Say, the way you slew those things out there. It looked like you were quite experienced." Scarlet nodded.

The Robotic Heart (Astro boy x robot reader)Where stories live. Discover now