Goodnights and Goodbyes

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Apocalyptour Madness!

Ch. 8

After Tangled ended, they put on Mulan, and then the Little Mermaid, and then decided to finish the night off with another one of Joey’s favorites, The Jungle book. When the movie ended Joey looked down to find a sleeping Jaime Lyn. Her head was resting on his lap. Joey didn’t have the heart to wake her.  She was going to need all the sleep she could get, with these rehearsals starting up again.  He pulled the blanket to cover her completely and then slowly slid his phone out of his pocket.

Redvine Richter:  I need you to pick me up at JLB’s apartment. Lost track of time, and don’t want to walk to the Manor. It is to dark and creepy.

Blaine Anderson:   Haha ok, give me 15 min. I am dropping of Lauren now, and then I will be there to get you.

Redvine Richter: Try not to take too long with your goodbye. (; Jaims is asleep and I don’t want to wake her up by staying and making noise.

Blaine Anderson: I’ll be there.

Joey put his phone on the table and did his best to slide out from under Jaime. Once his lap was out from under her he replaced it with a pillow. Joey took the cans of pop and the bowl of popcorn and brought them to the kitchen. He washed the bowl and put it on the drying rack. This surprised him because normally he wasn’t a clean guy, but Jaime’s kitchen was spotless so he decided to keep it that way.   Joey was just about to leave Jaime a note and go outside when her phone went off. He frantically started searching for her phone so it wouldn’t wake her, but by the third ring, a groggy Jaime was sitting up on the couch.

“Hello?” She answered sleepily. Joey face palmed because he should have realized it would be next to Jaime.

Joey could hear Lauren’s loud voice on the other. “OH MY GOD! I have so much to tell you about.” Jaime smiled at her friend’s excitement, Lauren then stopped screaming. “Is Joey still there, Darren just left to go pick him up; the baby can’t walk a few minutes in the dark.”

Jaime Lyn looked at the clock on the TV, it read 11:30. “Lo, it’s almost midnight; I wouldn’t want to walk either! But yeah he is still here,” Jaime smiled over at Joey who was leaning against the kitchen door frame.  “Yes, I will call you as soon as he leaves. NO I WILL NOT GO BACK TO SLEEP!  Kay, Lo. Love you to!” Jaime hung up the phone.  Joey went to go sit next to her on the couch. “I could have drove you home Jo-Jo. It’s not that big of a deal. “

Joey smiled sheepishly, “You were asleep. I didn’t want to wake you up, besides, Darren has the rental car, and he can pick me up.”

Jaime just shrugged, “So, I guess I kind of passed out during the Jungle Book. Sorry!”

“It was not a problem. I think I heard you humming Bear Necessities in your sleep I could have been wrong though!” Joey teased her.

Jaime just playfully shoved him.  A few moments of silence passed, “Thank you for having a movie night with me.  You snuggle much better then Lauren does, she likes to hog the blankets. “Jaime stated gently. She was worried things were getting awkward now. Did Joey not want to be caught leaving?

“It was my pleasure Ms.Beatty. I had a really good time tonight, far better than hanging with the boys. You smell better than they do after rehearsal. “Jaime laughed. Just then Joey’s phone went off.

Blaine Anderson:  Quit making out, I am here.

Joey cheeks burned. He quickly closed the text. “Well, Darren is outside. I guess I will see you soon?”

They both stood up from the couch, “Yeah, I guess I will see you at practice.” Jaime smiled; she went and opened the door for Joey.

Just before Joey left he gave her a hug, she inhaled his scent and everything about Joey that had taken for granted. Joey squeezed her tightly in his arms.  He then let go and pulled back enough to do what he was having a mental argument to do, he kissed her on the cheek really fast.

“Night Jaim!” He said quickly and then walked away.  She watched him leave and then shut the door gently; her hand on the place where he kissed her.

Jaime’s cheek burned where he kissed her. Although unexpected she loved it. Jaime Lyn didn’t know what to make of it though. Did Joey kiss her cheek goodnight because he had a good time, because he is Joey and is always a gentleman, or because he actually liked her? Jaime figured she would call Julia in the morning and ask her, because she knew that Lauren would talk her ear off all night.

Joey practically sprinted down the apartment stairs. Kissing Jaime was a huge risk, even if it was just on the cheek. He should have watched her reaction afterward. Before  Joey reached the door to the outside. He took a deep breath. Darren would mock him for sure.

Joey walked over to the parked car, and saw Darren sitting there tapping on the dash board lost in whatever music his head was playing. Joey opened the door and got in.

“You know, you should really lock the door! I could be some screaming teenage girl, who would threaten to hold you hostage! “

Darren laughed, “Your right dude! I need to be more careful! I have been really spacey tonight.”

“Yeah, I think it started when you and Lauren went on your date. Want to tell about that? Because I know that was definitely last minute, and  you had no idea what was coming!”

Darren put the car in drive and started to drive off.”Well it defiantly wasn’t  planned, but I am sure glad she came up with it!”

Joey laughed, “Well... How was it? Did you tell her how you felt? Or did you guys just goof around?”

Joey was hoping he could get Darren to talk long enough so he wouldn’t have to talk about his night with Jaime. Joey knew Darren was onto his feelings about her!

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