Having a heart to heart!

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Apocalyptour Madness!

Ch. 5

Joey approached Jaime. "Come on superstar grab your things!" Jaime looked at Joey with raised eyebrows. "You, me, Darren, and Lolo are going out to lunch. Darren doesn't know that he is paying but he'll figure it out eventually!"

Jaime laughed, a sound that made Joey's day, "Sound good to me, I am STARVED!" She grabbed her bag and followed Joey to where Darren and Lauren were standing.

"Jaim! You're coming? Fantastic! I knew you wouldn't leave me with these two!" Darren said pointing at Lauren and Joey.

"HEY! We are not that bad!" Lauren said while she was fixing her hair in the mirror.

"Yeah, that's what you think!" Darren shot at her. Lauren stuck her tongue out at him and continued to pull her hair into a pony tail.

Jaim rested her hand on Darren's shoulder, "Don't worry Dar, I'll keep you sane!" Jaime smiled as she patted him on the shoulder.

"Alright, how are we going to get there...? Wait, where are we even going?"

Darren turned and looked at Joey, "That is an excellent question!" Then they both turned and looked at the girls. "You live here, what's good to eat."

Lauren looked at Jaime and smiled. They knew exactly the perfect place. They ended up deciding on a pizzeria that was only a couple blocks down from where they were rehearsing. "We can just walk there, because the walk is about 10-15 minutes." Lauren explained.

"Well, I am all for walking," Joey said, "but what about our car? The guys don't have as short of a walk as you from the manor to here."

"We can always walk back after we finish and get it. Then you guys can drive home. Because once you find parking in Chicago you want to keep your car there as long as you possibly can." Jaime explained.

After everyone had finished packing up, they said their goodbyes and headed out into different directions.

Jaime, Joey, Darren, all walked ahead of Lauren. Lauren then grabbed Darren's sleeve and pulled him back towards her. Jaime noticed, and laughed. The things Lauren does to get Darren alone with her.

Once Joey and Jaime were far enough ahead Lauren spoke, " Sorry, I didn't mean to pull you that hard, I just want to watch Joey, and how he is when he is around Jaime alone."

"Wait..." Darren looked at Lauren and then at two of his best friends. Joey had his arm slung around Jaime's shoulder and they were both laughing at a joke someone must have said. He then looked down at Lauren who had her eyebrows raised. "You think that there is something going on between Joey and Jaime?"

Lauren shook her head yes, she couldn't tell Darren that Jaime was confused about liking Joey, that would be horrible. Darren might go tell Joey and if Joey doesn't have the same feelings for her then everything would be awkward. Lauren had decided that she would let Jaime tell him when she was god and ready. Darren could tell Lauren wanted to give him the whole story but knew she couldn't. He figured it was some girl thing she had to honor. So all he did was shrug his shoulders at the thought.

"I think they would work well together, Joey is always telling me how much fun he has when he comes out here with you guys. He never fails to mention a story where he isn't with Jaime or Jaime name isn't mentioned."

Lauren smiled, "You mean Joey might like Jaime!"

"I don't know; all I am saying is that, he gets really happy at the sound of her name. Kind of like how I am with yours." Darren nudged Lauren, who couldn't help but blush.

"I am really glad you are coming on tour with us." Lauren said.

"Yeah, me too. I love being on Glee, and the cast is great, but there is something about being with you and everyone else that makes me feel home. The team is where I got the inspiration to write the song To Have a Home after all."

Lauren stuffed her hands in her jacket. "We miss you all the time. There will be nights when all of the girls come over and watch Glee, heck sometimes we even get Brian to come and watch; but I only think he comes for Meredith. Anyways when we watch an episode we are all just so proud of you! I am really proud of you! I know how much you wanted it. I remember going over that script with you night and day! Sometimes though, I miss you being here with us and working on our next big production."

Darren pulled Lauren into his side; he hasn't seen any paparazzi while he's been here so Lauren is safe from the rumor mill. "I think of you guys every day. There will things on set that remind me of you, or a song that we sing that I can remember us singing at our college parties when we were super drunk after a production. Truth is I wish I could each one of you a spot on Glee, although I am pretty sure the fans wouldn't like it so much, because having you on set everyday would be totally awesome!" Lauren laughed at his choice of words. "There is that smile that I love to see. Come on tour rehearsals have just started and we still have the whole concert! I am not going anywhere, let's enjoy the time we have together right now." He looked down into Lauren's beautiful brown eyes. She smiled up at him, and his heart went crazy.

"Your right, I was getting to sappy! Come on if we don't catch up to the other two, who knows what could happen!"

"You mean you don't know where we are going!"

"I have an idea, but Jaime is the one that know her way around!" Darren laughed at Lauren and took her hand.

"Come on we got to speed walk, I can see them up head." He started pulling her earning a small giggle.

Lauren was shocked when Darren took her hand, but loved the way it made her feel. Now there was no question she was another girl that was hopelessly in love with Darren Criss.

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