Night on the Town!

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Apocalyptour Madness!

Chapter 12

Before anyone knew it the tour had arrived, opening night was 24 away and finally the whole band arrived. Practices were much more fun when the band was there. Charlene had a way of making everyone at ease. After running the show for the third time that night Darren spoke, "Guys, I think we are ready. We have been practicing really hard, and I don't think it's possible for the show to go wrong at this point. I think what we need now is a nice break and a nice sleep."

The whole group nodded in agreement. "I am so proud of everyone in this room; here we go on a second national tour, this time it's bigger, with a new people and special reoccurring guest star," Julia smiled at Darren while Joe punched him on the shoulder. "So I want everyone to go home and have a nice relaxing night. No partying!" Everyone brought it in for one more group hug, then all started to go their separate ways.

Darren found Lauren at the end of the group hug and pulled her to the side. "So how about me and you go out for a nice dinner in Chicago before we hit the first night on tour?"

Lauren jokingly pondered the question, "Hmm? One nice last meal with Darren Criss or sit on the couch with some chicken soup?" Lauren smiled big, "I chose you!" She jumped into his arms.

"Let's go!"

Two hours later Darren picked Lauren up from her apartment, when she walked out Darren opened the car door for her. "You look beautiful," He smiled as he quickly brushed her cheek with a kiss. Lauren was wearing a plum dress with black heels. Her hair was pin straight and pulled back into a head band. As he walked around to his side of the car he had to take a breath. The ride to the restaurant was quick and filled with light conversation about Darren's days on set, and how Lauren has been handling glow.

Darren jumped out of the car after he parked and open Lauren's door. "My lady," He held out his hand to her, she laughed and graciously took his hand. He placed his hand on the small of her back and led her into the restaurant.

When Lauren walked into the restaurant she was completely blown away, it took all the strength she had not took whip out his phone and tweet a picture of the beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

They were seated immediately in the back and away from the window for Darren's sake. "You know," Lauren joked, "I am going to have to start eating with you more often because we never get seating right away!"

Dinner was going fantastic; Lauren has got Darren to try her meal, even though he swore it was going to taste horrible. "DARREN! You ate more of my plate then I did!" She smacked his fork away from her plate.

"Who knew that gluten free tasted good?" He stuck his tongue out at her as he grabbed one more bite of her food.

Lauren rolled her eyes at him. "You better get me a good dessert! One that I get to eat! ALONE!" She quickly added before Darren could say anything. He happily obliged, and ordered her whatever she wanted, he even let her eat most of it. He couldn't help himself to a couple of bites.

Lauren threw her napkin on the table. "Okay I am completely full!" Darren watched her as she rubbed her no existent tummy. "This restaurant is fabulous Dare, thank you for taking me."

As Darren got the check, Lauren was slipping into her coat. They thanked the waiter and walked to the car.

"I am glad you decided to go out with me tonight Laur." Darren smiled as he took her hand.

"Me too," She looked back at him. "What do you say about extending this night for a couple more hours? We can go back to my place?"

Darren squeezed her hand tighter, "Lauren, Julia said we needed to get rest!" He winked at her.

She slapped him on the shoulder, "Darren Criss! I was not hinting at anything you ass hole!"

He laughed at her futile attempts to stay mad at him in the car, every now and then he would lean over to take her hand and she would pout her lips and turn towards the window. When they finally pulled in front of the girl's condo Darren put the car in park. "So , am I still invited in or should I leave you here and be in agony all night because you won't speak to me?"

Laurens façade was breaking, she wanted him so badly, but she was determined to keep her game up. She turned to face him dead on ready to give him some sort of witty answer but instead was by a pair of caramel colored eyes two inches from her own. Laurens breath hitched, when Darren pressed his firm lips to hers. Lauren quickly deepened the kiss, allowing his tongue access to her mouth. He traced her bottom with tongue as he placed his hand on her cheek. Lauren wrapped her hands in his curls. They continued to make out, Lauren pulled away only to catch her breath and undo her seat belt. Darren slid the driver's seat back as far as it would go, and pulled Lauren by her hips onto his lap. She fit perfectly between the wheel and his body. As they continued to make up, Darren's hands were running up and down her back, then they made it under her coat, he could feel the soft fabric slip between his hands. He then started kissing down her neck and back up. He was entranced by her smell, the smoothness at the base of her neck. Laurens breath was getting heavy, what took her so long to realize Darren was what she wanted she had no idea. He was mesmerizing to her, the way his lips meshed with hers, the way his fingers would brush against her body; they all made her so warm. Her hands worked her way under his shirt. She felt that six-pack he had been working on and now it was Darren who was moaning.

"Lauren," He breathed against her neck, "Lo, babe, we have to stop. If we keep it up at this rate, I just will take you in the car."

Laurens chocolate eyes met his caramel ones, she pressed her forehead against his, and "It is a rental..." She smiled as she continued to trace patterns on his chest.

Darren laughed and took both of her tiny hands in his. "You are worth so much more than a rental car Lo," He kissed her nose.

Lauren smiled, as she curled up on his lap, Just resting her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. It was still beating really fast, but so was hers. Darren swept a stray piece of hair of her face, he looked down at her. "Lauren Lopez, I am in love with you."

She looked up at him with wide eyes, "I am in love with you too Darren Criss."

He smiled as he leaned down into one final kiss, "Alright babe, I think I see Julia watching from the window, you should probably go up. "

Lauren frowned, "Yeah you are right, I will see you tomorrow, goodnight." She pecked him on the cheek before she slid out of her respectable door.

Darren rolled down the window, "Get some rest Lopez, can't have you tired for tomorrow!"

Lauren just winked at him as she shut the door to her apartment building. As soon as the door was closed, she lets out the biggest squeal ever!

Apocalyptour Madness!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें