I am Officially in Love

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Apocalyptour Madness

Chapter 13.

Jaime awoke the next morning with a sense of excitement. She couldn't believe that today was the first day of tour. It seemed like yesterday that she was packing her bag getting ready to go on SPACE tour, and live in a bus for 5 weeks. Now here she was again getting ready to do it all over again. Her phone vibrated from her bedside table.

Jo Jo: Morning! I hope you are well rest because is THE FIRST DAY OF TOUR (:

Jaime smiled at her phone, ever since her and Joey had hung out the other night they have been texting non-stop, more often than they usually did. Every time she opened a message from him her heart fluttered a little bit. Her feelings for Joey were getting stronger and stronger every day, eventually she wouldn't know how to handle herself around him.

Sally Richter: Can't wait (: got up extra early to pack... whoops should have started that sooner.

She rolled out bed reluctantly and went to her kitchen to start a pot of coffee. She wasn't kidding when she said she should have packed sooner. She made herself a little breakfast, quickly drank her coffee and then headed to the shower.

Meanwhile at the boys manor, they had all decided to surprise the girls and be ready on time. Brian R. and Dylan were in charge of making sure that everyone was up by 9, Joe being a surprisingly good cook, was in charge of making breakfast, Jim, Brian H., and Joey were responsiable for moving everything that needed to be loaded on the bus, and Darren and Clark were in charge of all the music equipment.

All the boys sat around the living room, surprised that they had gotten everything done by 2 pm, Julia had told them Corey would be stopping by to get all their stuff at 3, so they still had an hour to spare.

Joe broke the silence with an evil glare towards Darren, "So, you got home awfully late last night, want to tell us what you were up to?" The rest of the boys started smirking, they knew exactly where Darren was last night.

"I went out to dinner." Darren said not exactly making eye contact with any of them, focusing only on his sneaker.

"With who?" Dylan continued

"Lauren..." Darren didn't like were this was going, he knew they knew! They were going to force him to tell them anyways.

"Did you guys have a nice time?" Joey asked, smirking, he could already see Darren getting flustered, he was so in love with Lauren it was ridiculous.

"Yeah, I always have a nice time with Lauren, she's great. " Darren couldn't help but smile. He had to tell them, they were his best friends, sure he'd get mocked endlessly for it, but he knew his friends would support him.

"Oh is she now?" Holden laughed, "Already at that point?" He nudged Darren on the shoulder.

Darren shoved him back, "Not like that you idiot!" Everyone laughed.

"So did you tell her?" Joey pushed.

Darren laughed to himself, and finally met all his friends gaze, "Yes, I finally told Lauren Lopez that I am in love with her."

The rest of the boys had huge grins spread across their face. "Good for you man!" Joe said, "I'm proud of you! So you guys are dating now right? We can mock you endlessly, and tease you on stage."

Darren laughed, "You know, I think its safe to say that we are dating." The rest of the cheered. "I just hope I don't screw this up, I can't imagine losing her, and I don't know how this is going to work when tour is over and I go back. I know how she gets after I leave. Julia texts me sometimes that she doesn't get out of bed for days after I'm gone, and thats only after I visit for a week. I don't want to know what kind of pain I'm going to cause after being with her for a month!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2013 ⏰

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