Slumber Party!

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The girls dragged themselves slowly into Julia and Lauren's apartment. After throwing her keys down and slipping her shoes off Julia headed toward the kitchen with the rest of the girls in tow.

Meredith stifled a yawn and then turned to Jaime "So when did you and Joey happen?"

"What!?" Lauren and Julia said at the same time.

"Well?" Jaime started

"Hold up" Julia said "Let me get the tea going because something tells me we are in for a long night!"

"Jaim, I can't believe you didn't say anything!" Lauren said turn to her.

"The same way you never said anything about you and Darren?" Jaime teased.

"Well I always that was obvious..." Julia chimed in.

"Is it really?" Lauren asked as a serious question.

"Well after today it wasn't hard to put two and two together" Meredith smiled.

Lauren blushed "Sorry, it's just..." she got this really hazy look in her eyes."Hey! Wait! We are talking about Jaime not me!"

"I don't know what you guys are taking about! There is absolutely nothing going on between me and Joey!" Jaime defended herself.

"Yeah like there is nothing going on between Brian and Meredith!" Lauren said. Meredith looked flabbergasted. She opened her mouth, but Lauren cut her off! "Yeah we're gonna deal with you later!"

The girls laughed, Julia got up to get the now ready tea. She brought over 4 mugs, the honey, and spoons. After each girl had filled their mug they all went to the living room and got all snugly on the couch. Shortly after Lauren, Julia and Meredith all were staring at Jaime.

Jaime looked up from her steaming tea, "Yes?"

"Jaims we're are pushing two AM here, Tell us already!" Julia persisted.

"There is nothing to tell!" she defended herself!

"That is bullshit Jaim!" Lauren told her.

"Okay if nothing is going on between you guys, why was he so close to you all night?" Meredith asked.

"He was just showing me songs that we sing together and, how happy he was for me because I get to sing two big numbers that I didn’t get to sing at SPACE.  Then we were talking about how he was going to make an awesome Sweet Tooth because he was really bummed that he couldn’t do Holy Musical, B@man.  That is all we were talking about, because then we got to the finale and well you all know where that went.”

“Well you did get really quiet after our laugh attack. Jaime do you have feelings for Joey?”  Julia asked getting serious. Meredith and Lauren looked at her expectantly.

“That’s just it! I don’t know if I have feelings for him! I mean we have always been close. Ever since Me and My Dick, it is almost like he is my best friend.”   The girls opened there mouth, “Except for you girls Char, and Denise of course! What I mean is he is like my go to guy. But today when I saw him something clicked. I got these weir feelings. I don't know, but like I said we are so close that the feelings are hard to tell. Even if I did like Joey, I am pretty sure he only likes me like a sister. Remember we are Ginny and Ron." Jaime sighed and sipped her tea.

"So you are also Sally and Joey. That kinda chemistry isn't faked. No matter how good of an actress you are Jaims." Lauren said. "Besides me and Darren were Draco and Harry, and Mere and Brian also played enemies? So you can’t hide behind your roles relationships.” Lauren Crawled over to where Jaime was sitting on the couch and gave her a hug.

“Well, it doesn’t matter I can’t tell him! Besides I don’t want to make this whole tour awkward. I am just not going to do anything,” Jaime put her cup down and rubbed her eyes. “Anyone else tired of thinking about boys I know I am!”

“Jaim, don’t give up yet. I can talk to Joey if you want?” Lauren snuggled into Jaime.

“No Lo, I am gonna pass on that one. I’d say I would talk Darren for you but I think you got that covered.” Jaime nudged her head at the phone resting in Lauren’s lap. Julia and Meredith laughed. The girls sat in silence for a few moments. Lauren smiling at a text, Jaime swirling her finger around her mug, Julia mindlessly playing with Meredith’s curls, and Meredith resting her head in Julia’s lap.

Checking her phone Julia stretched her arms above her head. “Come on ladies, we need to go to bed!” She shook Meredith awake. “It’s almost 3 AM.”

“Puppies!”  Meredith grumbled.

“Come on sleepy head, bed time.”

Lauren got up off Jaime lap and helped her up. They each brought their cups to the sink.  Everyone hugged each other goodnight.  Lauren and Jaime shared Lauren’s room, while Julia and Meredith shared Julia’s room.

Lauren plugged in their phones, while Jaime shut off the lights.

“Night Lo, love ya!”

“Night JL Beazzy. I love you more!”

A few minutes of quiet Lauren’s phone buzzed from her bead side table. Jaime rolled over to face Lauren. “Tell Darren I said goodnight!” 

Lauren nudged Jaime, “Shut up! “ Lauren giggled. “You know, he is rooming with Joey at the Manor. I can tell him to tell Joey you said goodnight!”

“No! Goodnight Lo!” Jaime rolled back over, thinking what things would be like if she could just tell Joey that she liked him.

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